Monday, May 3, 2010

How To Transform Even The Most Basic Site Into A Membership Site

If you are like a lot of other Internet marketers, you may be considering a membership site set up for your sales activity. And if you follow the trends of a lot of Internet marketers, you will probably begin looking around right away at membership software, scripts and third party solutions, understandably, to compare features and benefits across the board of all your options and pricing ranges.

But what will probably happen to you is what happens to many other Internet marketers as well:

1. You will more than likely be comparing apples to oranges so it will be difficult to determine which solution is best.

2. You will probably decide to try one solution after another, tire-kicking to discover the real value in each package and learn how it works in conjunction with your products or services.

3. You will more than likely end up having spent a lot of time and money testing and trying a variety of solutions, then need to stop and put something in place to get your program off the ground and running.

Well, that buck can stop there!

Instead of going through those steps above, simply transform a basic site or an area of your website for a much easier, cheaper, quicker solution. Try this:

Subscription Website Checklist

_ When possible, instead of spending so much time learning the latest technology and Internet updates for great professional-looking membership websites, save all that for the professionals who prefer to delve into that realm and focus on your marketing, sales and other entrepreneurial activities. Seek an affordable website with a support team 24/7 that has password-protected pages for your member area or simply purchase an inexpensive SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate to password-protect a folder on your website.

_ Find a company that offers a wide range of full-color professional website templates so that you can build fast and easy, skipping lengthy tech guides and loading steps to get your pages up and activated. The templates should be available in full color choices complete with a line of premium images for selection and loading to your site pages. Features should also include the ability to enter HTML or simply key in your information in text, plus some templates with CSS (Cascading Sites Sheet) web pages.

_ If you can find a package that offers special features like hosting flash, a forum and podcasts plus activating RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) feeds and other popular tech tools, the more the merrier. That way your site can grow as your business grows, and you can add in whatever you like down the road.

_ In this mobile era, boasting the ability for your users to access your .mobi-compliant website is also a bonus feature.

_ Start small with only what you can handle in your membership site. There’s no need to have tons of tools plus loads of content and bonus goodies all at once. You can convert a simple folder or small site like: quick and easy and end up with professional results that work well for your members and you.

To find the best features you can like those listed above, search your favorite search engines to find and interview website design and hosting companies using this handy Subscription Website Checklist. Then when you find a website company with a team to help you 24 / 7, let them do the work: provide quality website templates with plenty of advanced features and a professional hosting package – all at costs you can afford.

And make sure to find a place with packages that grow as your company grows. Then use the rest of your time wisely, growing your business with marketing and sales efforts, adding content to your membership area, networking on forums, etc.

And of course, don’t forget to relax and have fun once in awhile!

Membership Product Reviews
Easy Member Pro

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