Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Most Redeeming Quality of Greg Reyes

My name is Jeff and I am a close personal friend of Greg Reyes. I grew up in the Bay Area and attended Stanford University where I received a BA in economics. I currently reside in Los Altos where I live with my wife and three daughters.

I met Greg about thirty years ago while attending Saratoga High School. Besides having classes together, we both played on the football team and this is where our friendship really began. Through his intensity and leadership on the field, I later realized how this carried over to his accomplishments in the business world. Though college and our careers took us in different directions for awhile, over the last eight years we have formed a very close friendship.

I have always had great admiration for Greg's success as a businessman. He is truly a leader and is greatly respected by all the people that we know. They all appreciated Greg's dedication to Brocade and respected his integrity throughout his career. Greg was focused on improving his leadership skills at Brocade. On the trips that we would take together, he would always have a book with him that pertained to leadership. He strived to help people become better at their job and to develop the best team to support him.

His business accomplishments speak for themselves, but I am most impressed on how Greg has even greater dedication and value in his family and friends. But when you think about it, some of the qualities of a good family man and friend are not that different from the attributes of a good businessman. Both require hard work, sacrifices, loyalty, and honor.

Greg is one of the most generous people that I know and is always supportive of his family, friends and community. Greg is a giver, not a taker. Besides his financial support, he truly takes a personal interest in others and always inquires about their well being. He is the type of person that you can call at anytime of the day and he would be there to help.

This entire criminal process has been a very traumatic ordeal for Greg and his entire family. I still vividly remember sitting with Greg and Penny after the verdict. We sat and cried about what had just happened and questioned how this could have ever occurred. Then I watched my friend call his son and tell him about the verdict. I have had friends and family that have passed away, including my father, but I never felt as helpless as I did that day. In death there is closure and you move on with your life. Greg and his family must continue to wonder about his fate.

Greg’s solid character and integrity are his most redeeming qualities and this criminal process has put that into question by the many that do not know this great man. Greg is a good and honorable person who has already suffered tremendously over the past few years. Please take this information from someone who truly knows Greg Reyes and realize the devastation it will have on his family in deciding his fate. Thank you for your consideration in reading this letter.

Greg Reyes

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