Monday, March 29, 2010

Low Cost Hearing Aids - Low Cost, Better Quality!

Only the very few can get insurance to cover the cost of their hearing device. For most people they have to get their own help to cope with hearing loss. For many hearing aids are too expensive because of the ridiculous prices that some manufacturers charge. If they are not able to get any assistance, there seems to be not much hope if they want to improve their hearing. If you belong in this category, there are solutions that could help you. Low Cost Hearing Aids could be just the thing to improve your life.

By logging onto a computer, you can surf the internet for many offers by sellers who sell brand name hearing devices rather than directly from the manufacturers. Often you can save money as these sellers are selling the hearing aids which you want but at an affordable lower cost. As the prices are more competitive you can look to buy a hearing aid that is more advanced technologically and more stylish than you thought possible. You don't have to miss out.

With Low Cost Hearing Aids you can hear voices much more clearly again with no distraction of background noise. With the technology of data learning functions, they can be adapted for your particular style of listening. This is the advantage of being able to buy at low cost so that you can afford these extra features.

If your hearing aids comes with directional microphones, you should be able to hear what is facing you quite clearly. You don't have to worry about any noise that is behind you, as long as the sound that you are trying to hear is in front of you. Some models come with a switch so that if want to hear everything that is around you, the directionality can be turned off.

If you have problems hearing certain frequencies, such as children's voices some of which are high pitched, there are some Low Cost Hearing Aids which are available with several channels. This allows your hearing aids to be adjusted according to your hearing needs with the many channels or frequency bands which can be set to your range. This will be done by your audiologist. As your hearing changes so these settings can be changed again.

There are people who suffer from a condition called recruitment, where sound can be too quiet one moment and then suddenly sound too loud. There are some Low Cost Hearing Aids which come equipped with a feature to cut down on the problem and also has control over feedback.

There are many hearing aids that come with memory presets. If you have one that is identical to one that a manufacturer has at a higher price, it might have several memories which can cope with the different listening environments.

We all rely on being able to use the telephone on a daily basis, so it is disabling if you're not able to use it. There are devices available on many of the Low Cost Hearing Aids which allow a person to listen to the telephone better. Some can actually work with cell phones which is good if you are out and about.

Hearing Aid Costs

Factors to Consider Prior to Buying a Hearing Aid

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Look At The History Of The Electric Guitar

Electric Guitars

The Electric guitar hasn’t been around nearly as long as the Acoustic and Classical guitars. In fact, the Electric guitar was created just 70 years ago (the 1930s) by Adolph Rickenbacker. Since that time, the Electric guitar has greatly evolved to the where it is today. In this article, we’ll go over the history of the Electric guitar.

The History

Guitars, or similar instruments, have been around for thousands of years. The Electric guitar was first manufactured in the 1930s by Rickenbacker. Original Electric guitars used tungsten pickups. Pickups basically convert the vibration of the strings into electrical current, which is then fed into the amplifier to produce the sound.

The very earliest Electric guitars featured smaller soundholes in the body. These guitars are known as semi-hollow body Electric guitars and still are somewhat popular today, mainly due to the fact that they are flexible guitars.

However, with the use of pickups, it was possible to create guitars without soundholes (like the Acoustic and Classical guitars have) that still had the ability to be heard, if plugged into amplifiers. These guitars are called solid body Electric guitars.

The Electric guitar’s popularity began to increase during the Big Band era of the ‘30s and 40s. Due to the loudness of the brass sections in jazz orchestras, it was necessary to have guitars that could be heard above the sections. Electric guitars, with the ability to be plugged into amplifiers, filled this void.

The Electric guitar that is most prevalent today is the solid body Electric guitar. The solid body guitar was created by musician and inventor Les Paul in 1941. It is a guitar made of solid wood with no soundholes. The original solid body guitar created by Paul was very plain—it was a simple rectangular block of wood connected to a neck with six steel strings. Les Paul’s original solid body guitar shape has, of course, changed from the original rectangular shape to the more rounded shape Les Paul guitars have today.

During the 1950s, Gibson introduced Les Paul’s invention to the world. The Gibson Les Paul, as it was and still is called, quickly became a very popular Electric guitar. It has remained the most popular guitar for 50 years.

Around the same period of time, another inventor named Leo Fender came up with a solid body Electric guitar of his own. In the late 1940s, Fender introduced the Fender Broadcaster Electric guitar. The Broadcaster, which was renamed the Stratocaster, was officially introduced to the public in 1954. The Strat, as it is now known, was a very different guitar in comparison to the Les Paul. It had a different shape, different hardware and was significantly lighter. Fender’s Stratocaster Electric guitar is the second most popular guitar in the world, second to only the Les Paul.

Over the years, other companies, such as Ibanez, Jackson, Paul Reed Smith, ESP and Yamaha have all produced solid body Electric guitars of their own. However, most Electric guitars still feature the familiar shape of a Les Paul or Strat guitar.

Left Handed Electric Guitars
Left Hand Electric Guitar

History And Use Of The Bass Guitar

The bass guitar has been derived from the double bass, which was used in the late 1950's. Having 4 strings, these instruments add the lower tones to a musical performance. Experimentation with the bass had started as early as the 1920's. It wasn’t until the 50's however, that a proper bass instrument was formed.

In the mid 20th century jazz became popular. As double bass's were used those days, they were often not heard due to the lack of amplification. The drums, banjos and other instruments in the band drowned out the sound of the bass. Until the 1950 when the first electric bass came into existence with modern amplification techniques.

The bass guitar is played like all guitars with the player holding it close to his body in a horizontal position. The strings are plucked with hand or with the plectrum. In the 1970's, the slapping technique became popular.

Today, the bass guitar ranges from 4 strings up to 11 strings. The 5, 6 and 7 strings providing the mid range while the 11 string starts from a lower than human hearing going up to a very high active. Electric bass guitar players use various configurations. These changes are made by using preamplifiers and speaker sets. Signal processors are also varied to provide new soundscapes.

In night clubs, combo amplifiers are used. These amplifiers are fixed with single loud speakers to make them portable and effective.

The body of the instrument can be of wood or graphite. A wide range of finishing is applied to make it look good. IT can be colored or simply clear white. The work done on the body is fine engineering and delicate balances have to be maintained.

A hot debate rages on what to call this instrument. For non musicians, the term bass guitar is common, while hard core players like to call it electric bass or simple electric bass. Slowly but surely however, this instrument has gathered a large following which likes to use its own jargon.

The electric bass is a part of modern country music, post 1970 jazz and funk. Used mainly to provide backing, it adds a depth to the music. This instrument has added a whole new color to our musical pleasure. In sole music particularly, the bass guitar is effective.

Are sound effects used? Well, yes and no. As the bass guitar sets the tone for the rest of the band, sound effects are not often used, unlike electric guitars. Modern bands however have started experimenting with distortion units to add a new flavor to the bass and low key that they provide behind the music.

As we go into a new century, electric bass's become more and more popular. All bands use it today to add a subtle background. Many groups like U2 even use it to give a haunted feeling increasing emotional attachment with the music. Newer techniques have made this instrument a crucial part of any musical group today.

Left Handed Electric Guitars
Left Hand Electric Guitar

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Barbie Dolls For Your Little Angel

Barbie dolls have been around for fifty years now and are still as popular, invoking a sense of excitement among little girls across the world. They are considered to be an icon of US culture by virtue of the way they epitomize stylish clothing and way of life. Barbie's free spirited charisma has enticed young girls the world over.

A peek into their inception:
Barbie was first introduced in the year 1959. It was manufactured by Mattel Inc. and created by Ruth Handler. The creator's inspiration was her daughter who seldom liked playing with baby dolls and often played with paper toys taking form of a grown up girl. This led to the concept of the exquisite doll who was named after Ruth's daughter Barbara.

It is believed that the shape and form was inspired by a German doll named Bild Lilli. But the new doll was so exquisitely designed that it soon became a sensation and successfully replaced the then popular, Lilli doll.

A day in Barbie's life:
Barbie is a beautiful blond who attends the fictitious Manhattan International High School in New York City. She loves animals and owns more that 40 pets including cats, dogs, panda, a lion cub and a Zebra. She loves to drive around in jeeps, convertibles and trailers.

Barbie has a Pilot's license and is actively involved with commercial airlines and also serves as a flight attendant. She loves to keep her home neat and tidy and is a homely character. This aspect is exemplified by numerous game sets like kitchen, bedroom, spa, clinic etc... which stand as a testimony to her multitasking abilities.

The enchantress:
Barbie is truly an enticer and the makers ascertain that a new and exciting element is added to the catalog in a timely fashion. Be it constructing dolls based on celebrities or adding new members to her extended family, they sure know how to keep the excitement of Barbie games alive. Equipped with mesmerizing looks, a wide array of interesting costumes and exquisite body design; the much loved doll is always in the news. Her break up with beau Ken or their getting back together; the addition of trendy apparel or arrival of new members into the family; there is enough news to keep Barbie aficionados hooked to this enchantress.

Adding a new dimension to games:
In addition to being an enduring plaything; the doll is defined as an offshoot of a novel concept that has many dimensions. Little girls mesmerized by the charming doll, may play online Barbie games in a varied range of themes, listen to music with a Barbie CD or Radio Boombox from Kid Designs, take part in the vibrant 'Barbie dress up games' or visit the Barbie games online store to avail an overview of all the interesting games in store. What's more, shopping for these exquisite playthings online, is by far the most convenient option.

Barbie dolls and their eternal tryst with fame have proven to the world that they are a class apart and worth their price tags. The attention, hype and craze seem justified. So get hold of a Barbie doll of your choice for the little girl in your life and rest assured they will be cherished forever.

Barbie Games


The Most Redeeming Quality of Greg Reyes

My name is Jeff and I am a close personal friend of Greg Reyes. I grew up in the Bay Area and attended Stanford University where I received a BA in economics. I currently reside in Los Altos where I live with my wife and three daughters.

I met Greg about thirty years ago while attending Saratoga High School. Besides having classes together, we both played on the football team and this is where our friendship really began. Through his intensity and leadership on the field, I later realized how this carried over to his accomplishments in the business world. Though college and our careers took us in different directions for awhile, over the last eight years we have formed a very close friendship.

I have always had great admiration for Greg's success as a businessman. He is truly a leader and is greatly respected by all the people that we know. They all appreciated Greg's dedication to Brocade and respected his integrity throughout his career. Greg was focused on improving his leadership skills at Brocade. On the trips that we would take together, he would always have a book with him that pertained to leadership. He strived to help people become better at their job and to develop the best team to support him.

His business accomplishments speak for themselves, but I am most impressed on how Greg has even greater dedication and value in his family and friends. But when you think about it, some of the qualities of a good family man and friend are not that different from the attributes of a good businessman. Both require hard work, sacrifices, loyalty, and honor.

Greg is one of the most generous people that I know and is always supportive of his family, friends and community. Greg is a giver, not a taker. Besides his financial support, he truly takes a personal interest in others and always inquires about their well being. He is the type of person that you can call at anytime of the day and he would be there to help.

This entire criminal process has been a very traumatic ordeal for Greg and his entire family. I still vividly remember sitting with Greg and Penny after the verdict. We sat and cried about what had just happened and questioned how this could have ever occurred. Then I watched my friend call his son and tell him about the verdict. I have had friends and family that have passed away, including my father, but I never felt as helpless as I did that day. In death there is closure and you move on with your life. Greg and his family must continue to wonder about his fate.

Greg’s solid character and integrity are his most redeeming qualities and this criminal process has put that into question by the many that do not know this great man. Greg is a good and honorable person who has already suffered tremendously over the past few years. Please take this information from someone who truly knows Greg Reyes and realize the devastation it will have on his family in deciding his fate. Thank you for your consideration in reading this letter.

Greg Reyes

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Colocation Facility Cooling System Considerations

Most companies know to find a colocation facility that has good Internet service and Internet provider and carrier options. However, cooling systems are often overlooked. Most servers now are made to operate at normal office conditions, which mean that two environmental factors should be met:
  • The temperature should stay between 72° F and 76° F
  • The humidity should be between 45% and 60%, with 45% ideal
  • Cooling units must be on continuously, so servers will not overheat (this precludes standard HVAC units).

If the cooling system goes down, it can cause the equipment to overheat, causing the network to go down and even damaging equipment. Colocation facility cooling systems include three areas: the facility layout, chillers, and computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units.

Facility Layout
Servers generate heat as they run. This is generally blown out the back of the server by fans; cool air is taken in through vents at the front. Server racks and rows should be laid out to manage hot air coming from the servers and conditioned air going to their intakes by designating “hot rows,” which face the server fans, and “cold rows,” which face the intakes. Designated hot and cold rows keep air circulating in the best directions to keep servers from overheating.

Facility Design
There are two kinds of building design for colocation facilities: raised floor and solid floor. Raised floor was the preferred structure when servers were towers because the mesh flooring allowed air conditioned air to blow from the bottom directly across their intakes. However, since servers are stacked in racks, cold air must reach the tops of the racks to cool machines. Solid floor facilities are a better option. The facility should take into account the following:

  • Solid floor designs must have mesh front and rear doors for th server cabinets to allow hot air to escape.
  • For raised floor designs, cold air must have enough air pressure to force air to the top of the server cabinets. Ideally, special duct work will be in place to force the airflow upward.
  • For raised floors, server cabinets should not have vents in the doors that would let cool air escape.

Chiller Systems
Chillers pipe water or water/glycol coolants through the CRAC units. Chiller systems include pumps, pipes, and the chillers themselves. The following points should be considered to make sure that the system is adequate to cool the facility:

  • Sufficient capacity
  • Backup units for the pumps and chillers which switch over automatically
  • Regular maintenance

CRAC Units
CRAC units are massive, dedicated air conditioners which manage temperature and humidity. They have many parts and are complicated – meaning failures can be common. The CRAC units should be well maintained, but the most important thing is redundancy. Redundancy is determined by the overall capacity of the CRAC units; there should be enough units that even with a failure, the facility will still be adequately cooled. As with chillers, capacity for CRAC units is determined by tons per square foot.

Verify Capacity
Capacity is determined by the ratio of tons per square foot. To determine whether a system has sufficient capacity, divide the total tonnage of the units by the square footage of the building. If there are four 30-ton CRAC units in a 4,000 square foot facility, then the CRAC capacity is .030 tons per square foot (120 tons / 4,000 square feet). The ideal ratio of tons to square feet for the CRAC system is .030 ton/square foot or higher; the ratio should not be below .025 tons/square foot. This same formula is used for chiller systems, with the same ideal ratios.

It is important to look for a colocation facility that has Internet provider options and backup power systems. Equally important is a facility with the right design, chillers, and CRAC units to cool the server room. Keeping equipment from overheating will keep networks up and makes equipment last longer. Like Internet connections, network uptime, and power backups, cooling systems signify a quality colocation facility.

Dallas Colocation | data center

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Solution-Focused Approach to Hearing Loss

It doesn't take a lot of effort to notice that we live in a problem-focused world. Any amount of television viewing is certain to bear witness to commercials that identify some human flaw that needs fixing, whether with a new detergent, a new car, or a new TV. It's hard to think of any commercial that has ever trumpeted, "You're doing great...keep it up, you don't need our product -- just thought we'd let you know." It's no wonder ""What's wrong?" is a vastly more common interpersonal statement than "What's going right?" While it might sell a lot of soap, when it comes to emotional issues, a problem-focused approach can keep us stuck. This can be illustrated with the oft-cited pink elephant: As you read this sentence, whatever you do, do NOT think of a pink elephant... Pretty darn difficult to avoid thinking of pink pachyderms, isn't it? The same is true for mental health issues. A depressed person who feels hopeless is better off identifying activities that make him feel a bit more hopeful rather than coming up with ways to feel less hopeless. It seems a simple lesson but hard to put into practice.

When it comes to hearing loss, it is not easy to apply a solution-focused approach. The trauma of the loss itself, the daily effort it takes to hear, and the frustration of dealing with friends and family who may not understand how to be helpful are real problems. That fact is not up for debate. However, one way forward is to learn to notice what is working and what is going right rather than what is NOT working.

Consider "Arthur" and "Donna". Donna's hearing loss has impacted how the couple functions at social gatherings. Arthur typically makes an effort to speak for Donna. He usually answers questions that others direct towards her and believes he is helping to keep her connected at the party. Unfortunately, this has just the opposite effect. Donna feels stigmatized and isolated -- as if she can't speak for herself. When they get home Donna alternately lashes out at Arthur complaining that he "treats her like a child" or is stone-cold silent; giving Arthur an unspoken message that he has done something wrong. In both cases, Arthur is confused because he thought he was being helpful and silently begins to resent Donna's "lack of appreciation" for him. Early on in counseling the couple engages in problem-focused conversations of trying to get the other person to stop their undesired behavior. But at this point emotions are so charged that neither Donna nor Arthur can stand to listen to the other's complaints. By now readers of the above pink elephant experiment are keenly aware that there comes a time when trying to NOT focus on something becomes impossible. For this reason, Donna and Arthur are encouraged to avoid talking about problems and to take a solution-focused approach.

Therapist: Donna, can you think of a recent time when you enjoyed going to a party with Arthur.

Donna: A whole party? No I can't.

Therapist: What about a moment at a party where Arthur was helpful.

Donna: Well, last week, when Sally asked me how the kids were doing, Arthur provided space for me to answer and it kind of sparked a conversation between Sally and me. It feels like I don't talk to a lot of people these days, so it felt really good.

Therapist: So you liked it when Arthur encouraged you to join in the conversation?

Donna: Yes. I felt like he really cared about me.

Therapist: Arthur, what's it like to hear Donna say that?

Arthur: You know, I'm kind of shocked. I really had no idea that's what she wanted me to do. I'm glad she told me.

The following solution-focused tips can be gleaned from the above brief vignette of a real case (with names and details changed to protect confidentiality).

· Take time to notice what your spouse/partner, friend or family member does well. While nobody is 100% perfect, nobody is 100% flawed. Something MUST be going right. Like Donna above, sometimes it takes looking for small moments that go well. For example: Let your children or grandchildren know that you really appreciate it when they face towards you and speak clearly. You'll be amazed at how quickly they respond to this positive reinforcement with more helpful behaviors.

· Let the other person know (a) What they did, (b) How it was helpful, and (c) That you'd love it if he/she did it again! Try to resist the urge to tag on any description of what they did NOT do well.

· The same approach can and should be taken by hearing family members. Encourage them to read this article and let them know that you'd like to learn from them what you do that is helpful. For example: "Mom, it's really helpful when you turn your hearing aid on when I'm with you. It makes me feel like you really want to listen to me."

· Remember, many of us are experts at noticing what is not working. Take time to practice noticing what IS working.

Best Hearing Aid

Causes of Hearing Loss

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How To Distinguish Public Speaking Problems

Fear of speaking in public is number one in the list of "phobias" which Americans have.

Phobia is defined as a persistent or intense fear of a certain object, activity or situation.

Fear of public speaking is one type of social phobia which is often associated or developed through a person's adolescence.

How would you react if your boss suddenly tells you that you have to do a presentation in front of your colleagues?

If the mere thought of having to stand and speak in front of a crowd is enough to give you panic attacks, then you have this type of phobia.

As with all types of fears, you can learn to cope with your public speaking anxiety by recognizing the symptoms first.

Who knows? Once you are up there, you might eventually realize that you are good at giving speeches or addressing the public, and even make a living out of it.

People are always hungry for information and there is no to better way of keeping them informed than by conducting presentations and giving out speeches about certain topics which you have already "mastered".

First, take a look at the physical and mental manifestations of a person who experiences fear of public speaking.


Being nervous before the day of your speech has several physical symptoms, which are as follows:

1. You have butterflies in your stomach.

2. Your palms are sweating.

3. Your hands are shaking.

4. Your knees are also shaking and you feel as if your legs are about to collapse.

5. Your heart beats much faster than normal.

6. You experience a slight dizziness or you have a "fainting" feeling.

7. You have a stomach disorder.

6. Your face is flushed and your mouth is dry.

7. You have "cold sweat" all over.

8. 'Panicky' thoughts.

Any of the above symptoms are quite normal, in certain situations. However, if you experience them in excess, you might have to seek professional help.

Public speaking anxiety would also lead to a lot of 'panicky thoughts'.

You might be afraid that someone in the audience knows more about the topic than you do.

You are afraid that there is a question to come up that you are unable to answer.

You are afraid of committing a blunder for everyone to witness.

You can actually channel these negative thoughts into a more positive output, resulting in a spontaneous, very informative and even humorous speech.

By recognizing the symptoms and learning how to deal with your fear, you will eventually learn how to address the public and make it enjoyable and informative, both to yourself and your audience.

Public Speaking Training | Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Money For Traveling - How to Manage Your Expenses

While traveling the world it can be easy to lose track of your expenses and before you know it, you may find yourself short on finances. You may find yourself having to leave early or skip some of your planned adventures.

The pleasures along the trip will tempt you to overindulge and spend money on every opportunity you can get. You may find yourself overspend on souvenirs or throw money away on luxury accommodations or food. So it is vital to have self-discipline and always mind your budget.

Here is how to manage your expenses without sacrificing fun and enjoyment on your trips.

"First things first, calculate your expenses before the trip has even begun."

Determine an estimate of all possible expenses on your trips. Do this before leaving your house. Even with rough approximation, you can be conscious during your trip and know when you are in danger of spending too much.

Allocate a budget for every activity. Estimates can sometimes be completely wrong but at least, by estimating and allocating budget, you will have a vague idea of your possible travel expenses.

Travelers should have buffer in terms of finances. Always have an allowance so you can implement contingency plans when you get yourself in trouble.

"Bring IDs and membership cards."

You can use discounts and benefits from any membership you may have. Sometimes, you'll be surprised to find that you can get freebies and price cuts from your affiliations. You cannot use these advantages, however, if you do not have any proof with you. IDs are the most common means of proving ones status or membership.

"Bring a calculator, just in case."

Actually, you do not have to worry about this too much. Cell phones have calculator features. Obviously, this is needed in instances where you need to figure out currency exchange and totals in a shared tab.

"Be on a look out for promos."

From airline tickets to restaurants, there are some great deals you can grab. More often than not, you can get the same services or products for a cheaper price if you just keep your eyes open. Businesses usually offer seasonal and off seasonal promotions.

"Don't underestimate the power of haggling."

Every so often, you will want to shop, especially for souvenirs, in marketplaces where you can exercise your abilities to haggle. Tourists are ordinarily ripped off their buck but if you haggle enough you can get items for a very cheap price.

"Have smaller bills ready."

You should carry American dollars with you on your travels even in foreign countries. US dollars can be used in almost any situation and they are great for tips and taxis. Some people may not carry change, so make sure to carry smaller bills.

"The most important thing is to have discipline and try not to overindulge."

Don't waste money on ridiculous luxuries. Sightseeing, wandering and observing cultures are cheap activities that will make your trip exciting and worthwhile. Instead of buying luxuries that remind you of home try to save your money for indulgences you can only experience away from home.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

The Ups and Downs of Downloadable DS Games

What is a DS?
The DS, or Nintendo DS, is an advanced technology apparatus that plays video games on a duel screen monitor. It is a handheld game system that allows gaming enthusiasts to bring high quality games with them when they are on the road or otherwise unable to play a counsel system. However, with the DS, has become a standalone system that has most gamers itching to try it. It was developed and produced by the Nintendo organization and was released in 2004 in multiple countries including Canada, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom. The clamshell design is similar to the Game Boy Advance, which was the predecessor to the Nintendo DS, but the Nintendo DS has duel screens with the lower one being designed as a touch screen.

Download DS Games
Though there are some problems with downloadable DS games, they hardly outweigh the possible positives when it comes to these games. Downloadable DS games are games that can be downloaded off the wireless internet that is available for the Nintendo DS. These games are similar to WiiWare games in that they are not usually full length games, but they are still fantastically composed and capable of providing hours of gaming fun. There are even some free downloadable DS games available, but these are rarer than the purchased ones.
A few cons to downloadable DS games include the fact that the download speed is relatively poor. When downloading a game for the DS, it can take many minutes, even hours in some extreme cases. This can be more than a little frustrating for those that want to just play the game.
Another problem is that there is a possibility for an adware infiltration which can potentially do damage to the DS. However, this is only caused by poor usage of the wireless internet system.
These few cons are not enough to make the whole of the system poor. The Nintendo DS has many games online that may be downloaded on the SD card of the system. This can allow numerous downloadable games to be purchased or downloaded on a single system. The downloadable games for the DS are also very fun and very addicting. They can provide just as much if not more fun that any retail game for the DS or a consol alike. Once the games are downloaded there are usually no problems with operation.

Learn about the best DS Download sites. Find out where to download unlimited DS games without being afraid of viruses or adware. Go to DS Downloads

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hypnosis - Achieving More in Less Time

As the world figuratively shrinks because of advances in technology, more and more people find themselves having difficulty in keeping up. The old way of doing business and working is slowly but surely being replaced by telecommuting, work-at-home set-ups, and business process outsourcing.

The changing image of the corporate structure is evolving dynamically at a fast pace which results in a marked increase of people experiencing stress, frustration, and lack of self-esteem because of their inability to adapt to the new business lifestyle quickly.

To address the situation, almost all businesses establish self-improvement and training programs for old and new employees to shorten the learning and adaptation curve.

Most Fortune 500 corporations have included in their human resources training programs company-sponsored seminars on leadership development, personality enhancement, team building, and awareness using various methods and techniques.

Although the techniques have varying terminologies, it all boils down to assisting and equipping an individual on how to view from a different perspective the learning and experience processes they undergo and redirect them towards achieving excellence.

Redirection is the key factor in all these efforts because it is accomplished by employing hypnosis - in one form or another. Many people may disagree because there are those who still erroneously connote hypnosis with magic. This is totally false because hypnosis does not have anything at all to do with magic!

Medical science acknowledges the scientific basis of hypnosis and its positive effects on people.

Broadcast and print media, advertisements, are all used by multinational corporations to make us buy their products - for as long as you and I can remember. That is a form of hypnosis!

Various governments around the world, when they air their propaganda on national television and radio, employ hypnosis in one form or another to make us consent and agree to their programs of action.

Remember 9/11? Up to now, the image of the twin towers collapsing is etched in our minds. It is so vivid. Whether we admit it or not, that particular picture galvanized the peoples of the free world and made them go into action against terrorists. That is hypnosis!

Dentists use hypnosis not anesthesia on some of their patients in performing painless tooth extraction.

Going to a spa and immersing yourself in a weekend self-discovery relaxation program is considered a form of hypnosis.

It is therefore a given reality that hypnosis is already an integral part of our daily lives although it takes on myriad forms and fashion.

Athletes, elite military units, astronauts, submariners - all have undergone through hypnosis in one form or another during their training. How else do you think these people are able to perform beyond what we consider as normal?

About the Author:
Robert Cooper shows you what people at the top have been doing for years. Have you ever wondered how they can get so much done when you get so little done? Visit to find out how. Hypnosis CD’s and Hypnosis MP3 Downloads by Celebrity Hypnotherapist Joseph Clough - Affordable Accredited NLP, Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy Trainings ™ and Coaching trainings and courses and self development seminars.

Weight Loss With Hypnosis?

Now that the New Year has come in like a lion, it is time to finally, take charge of the excess weight, getting your body in the best shape ever. While eating right and hitting the gym are two options for losing weight and keeping in shape, you can also turn to the power of hypnosis. Many people have good intentions when it comes to weight loss but getting started is the hardest part. With hypnosis, you get that push in the right direction needed to reach and maintain your goal.

The interesting thing about hypnosis and weight loss is that losing the extra pounds is actually much easier than expected. You have probably heard about the failures and dangers of crash diets. Sure, people will lose weight initially but then within a few months, put it right back on. Therefore, the top doctors in the country tell people to lose weight slowly for the ultimate and longest lasting results. With hypnosis, you can lose weight healthy and slowly, learning how to eat properly so you get the weight off permanently but in a good way.

The interesting thing about weight loss with hypnosis is that you are retraining the subconscious mind. That means you are learning and changing past behaviors; accepting new behaviors that will help you eat healthier and have an interest in working out in the gym. In other words, through repetitive and positive suggestions given by a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist or even through self-hypnosis, you begin to learn new habits. Therefore, the formula for success with weight loss is actually easy. In addition, the formula you use that proves success never changes.

If you are tired of going round and round with your weight problem and want to make this New Year different, really want to change, permanently, you can. Hypnosis is a powerful tool that works exceptionally well for people just like you, people interested in losing weight while having the opportunity to build healthy habits. This natural weight loss plan is something you can use any time and best of all, hypnosis is 100% safe.

Through positive suggestions, exercise can become a part of your weight loss plan. If you dread spending time in the gym before, you will now find yourself eager to work out. The change you see with hypnosis is gradual, which ensures the weight loss is natural and more importantly, lasting. As mentioned earlier, the most common problem with weight loss is that weight comes back because the loss is so fast. However, by using hypnosis to change behaviors or habits, the changes come over time and the results stay.

Keep in mind that hypnotherapy can help you lose weight and then keep it off in a number of different ways:

• You will develop a new self image, seeing yourself as a thinner, more healthier person that makes you want to achieve the goal of weight loss

• You will learn how to relax about weight loss and weight management, stressing less, which can have better results. Often when a person becomes stressed, they use food as a crutch.

• You will become positive about the process of weight loss and weight management whereas before, you might have seen the process as something negative. Hypnosis will retrain the mind to view the entire process much differently.

• You will be creating your future as a new person. You will feel better about yourself, and that confidence lets you work toward other goals pertaining to family, friends, work, hobbies, and so on.

Typically, when a person uses hypnosis to lose weight, they find themselves moving in a positive circle, being happier, stronger, and healthier individuals. The things that can do to the mind are incredible. Suddenly, the weight loss and exercise all makes sense and as the weight begins to drop off, life takes on an entirely different look, all for the better! Hypnosis CD’s and Hypnosis MP3 Downloads by Celebrity Hypnotherapist Joseph Clough - Affordable Accredited NLP, Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy Trainings ™ and Coaching trainings and courses and self development seminars.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Don’t Give Up After Your First Psychic Reading

Many new psychics tend to give up after there first try at giving a psychic reading. Many people are skeptical of using their gifts to be able to give an accurate psychic reading. It is difficult to give your first psychic reading because you never know exactly what people are thinking about the way in which you are giving a psychic reading.

A psychic reading should always be professional. Psychic Stephen Piperno is the author of, “Is Life Worth It? Sex, Money and Power from a Psychics Point of View” and he states that, “giving your first psychic reading is the hardest point of any psychics career.” This simply means that whatever you do is tough when you first start out.

The psychic industry can be very loving at times and also very harsh when it comes to judging a psychics gift. The psychic gift is one that must be nurtured over time and given with such love and sincerity. The more open you are to using the psychic gift, the more open you will be to helping and serving others. The psychic gift is one in which will make you feel complete and whole as a person.

If you just gave your first psychic reading and felt as though it did not go over to well, then you are not alone. You need to keep on giving a psychic reading so that you can get better at it. The more psychic readings that you give on a daily basis, the more that you will be able to grow as an individual psychic. You will be able to say that you have helped countless hundreds or even thousands of people to find their way. The deepest blessing of all is that you will be able to help others to discover why their psychic reading is important.

Never give up on a true spiritual calling. It is important for you to use your gift from time to time to help another person that may be in need. For every person that says that you are a terrible psychic, there will be those that say that they think you are the best. You must teach yourself that you are not here to please others, but you are here to please God. Try to keep an open relationship with your spirit guides and loved ones. They are usually the best ones to give you positive feedback. Never feel like you have to impress anyone, because if you are called to be a psychic, then it is because God has given you this spiritual blessing. You are in charge of your own life and the more that you give yourself to God, the more that you will see that your life will be headed in the right direction.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Greenhouses - what do you grow in yours?

A garden is like a blank canvas, in which you can put almost anything you want. Whether it’s a place to sit, or things to eat, or just things to look at, you can put them in your garden – an outdoor space of your very own.

The most common thing to do with gardens is to fill them with plants, especially grass lawns, but also bushes and trees. It can be very rewarding to see what you planted only a few months ago starting to take root – and then, over the years, seeing it grow larger and thrive. While it takes care and attention, gardening is a hobby that many people feel they can get into.

Once you’re good enough to plant flowers and bushes and have them survive from season to season, you might even feel brave enough to start growing some of your own food. There are many crops you can grow even in a modestly-sized garden that will produce a lot of food and taste very good when you harvest them – root vegetables like potatoes and carrots work very well, as do berry bushes and apple trees. Food tastes much better when you know you’ve grown it yourself, and you save money too.

If you’re less green fingered than that, you can put other things in your garden apart from plants. It’s not difficult to build a brick barbecue, for example, get some chairs and invite people round. You might like to build a patio or decking where you can sit away from the garden itself but still outdoors. Various kinds of paths and rock features are also popular things to put in a garden, as are decorative ornaments like garden gnomes and model birds. If you’re a fan of fish and water life, you can even dig yourself a pond, and get various animals and plants to put in it.

how to build a greenhouse | build your own greenhouse

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hearing Aids - 4 Tips On Choosing The Right One

When the symphony doesn't sound as sweet and the laughter of your grandchildren is slowly fading away, wearing a hearing aid is one of the best ways to improve your hearing ability. There are several factors to consider when buying a hearing aid, such as your budget, hearing aid style, technology, lifestyle concerns and hearing loss level.

Here are 4 tips on choosing the right hearing aid.

Hearing Aid Styles

The suitability of a hearing aid style is determined by the level of hearing loss, although most people with lifestyle and aesthetic concerns tend to select the style that they prefer.

An individual suffering from severe hearing loss will not benefit from a CIC model (Completely in the Canal), which is the smallest kind of hearing aid. This particular selection enhances the natural sound-collecting characteristics of the ear in minor hearing loss cases. CIC models are near invisible to the eye because they are placed far into the ear canal. CIC's are also custom-made and only work with users who have an ear canal large enough to handle this type of hearing aid insertion.

An ITC (In the Canal) model is slightly bigger than a CIC and is also placed far into the ear canal. With a somewhat larger battery, this style accommodates mild to moderate hearing loss. An ITE (In the Ear) option offers a wide range of uses that helps a variety of hearing loss levels. They are larger in size, but provide enhanced sound amplifiers, as well as additional features, including a telephone switch. Some patients feel that this type of hearing aid is easier to manage.

A BTE (Behind the Ear) showcases electronic features contained within a case positioned behind the ear. Tubes and other customized characteristics are utilized to drive sound to the ear canal. Usually presenting a sturdy body, this model is often selected for children with hearing problems. This type of hearing aid also provides increased amplification over smaller selections. To accommodate an array of lifestyle concerns, a BTE hearing aid may come in a variety of colors to match hair and skin tone.

Cost of Hearing Aids

Hearing aid prices depend on the style, features, accessories, warranty, telephone coils, advanced microphones, insurance coverage, and whether or not you need one or two hearing aids. Overall, a pair of hearing aids can cost between $500 and $6000.

Hearing Aid Technology

Basic analog technology provides the same amount of amplification regardless of sound changes. Most hearing aid users of the analog model complain that they often face periods of receiving too much sound or not enough. Basic analog hearing aids are the cheapest, making them a reasonable choice for someone on a budget.

Programmable analog technology offers amplification adjustments. Certain programmable analog hearing aids come with multiple settings. You can change the setting with a remote control or by pushing a button on the hearing aid according to your situation.

Over the years, the technology associated with hearing aids has come a long way. Digital technology utilizes computer chips to separate incoming sound into different bands and channels. Digital hearing aids highlight the most advanced technology that allows the most accurate prescription fittings.

Where to Buy

A patient may purchase a hearing aid directly through a hearing instrument manufacturer and hearing aid dispenser. Many companies now market their hearing devices on the Web, and often entice buyers with discounted prices. The internet also offers auction sites that provide fair hearing aid prices.

Careful comparison-shopping can help you find a hearing aid that meets your budget and hearing needs.

Compare Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids Newton MA

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hearing Aids - Beautiful Music To The Ears

Loss of hearing is perhaps as normal, if not more, as losing hair with age. Reduction of hearing can also be caused by illness, certain medicines and in a large number of cases; it could be a birth defect.

Diminishing of hearing, however, can be helped with the use of hearing aides, which are electronic widgets that convert sound pressure waves into electricity by a microphone.

The electric impulses are increased and then reconverted to a great deal more strong sound pressure waves by a receiver. These increased waves are subsequently presented to the impaired ear. The goal of a hearing aid is to make speech available to a listener, whatever the technology being used.

How do you know you need a hearing aide? Being sensitive to your bodys need and accommodating to its deteriorating parts is a resourceful and enjoyable way of life. If you:

1. Find yourself asking people to repeat themselves too often.

2. Feel that you understand them better when you are facing them.

3. Find the need to increase the volume of television or radio when nobody else seems to need it.

Perhaps, it is time to see an audiologist and get an audiometric evaluation (AE) done. It is a pain-free method and takes a few minutes. An AE helps a certified audiologist evaluate your Diminishing of hearing and prescribe the right course of treatment.

Many hearing problems are a result of earwax and middle ear infections. Before buying a hearing aide, it is imperative to consult with a hearing aid specialist.

Which hearing aid to choose?

There are various types of hearing aids available in the market today. You need to work with your audiologist to figure out which model suits you best.

In The Ear (ITE) products have the largest custom made styles; In The Canal (ITC) units are smaller and require more dexterity; Mini Canal (MC) units are in between ITE and ITC; Completely In the Canal (CIC) products are the smallest aids produced; Behind The Ear (BTE) are the largest and hugely reliable; and Post Auricular Canal (PAC) is a new device planned to supply comfort and acoustic alternatives.

Your audiologist will be able to guide you through these opportunities as well as with the levels of technologies available in hearing aids. The best technology available is a 100 percent digital aide. This means your hearing aide is a complete computer.

These widgets are wonders of 1990s and allow the highest control over sound quality and loudness. They process sound at extraordinary speed and the output is amazing.

Lastly, if you have suffered hearing Diminishing in both ears, you will need two hearing aids to achieve normal sound balance. Two aides help your central nervous system to process sounds better and filter noise from speech. One aid, regardless how efficient, will give you flat sound!

Hearing Aids Albuquerque NM

Friday, March 5, 2010

Personal Injury

Personal Injury. Law suits for personal injury are filed by people injured by the irresponsible act of another. The injuries, either physical or emotional, can occur from different methods or varieties of conduct. The most frequent classes of harm include slip and falls, auto accidents, intentional attacks (assaults), physician or hospital malpractice, and product liability. Commonly, the goal of a personal injury claim is to ascertain responsibility and force the harming party to compensate the injured claimant for the damages substained. If you or a loved one has been injured by the careless actions of another, contact The Law Offices of Samuel W. Bearman in Pensacola, Florida, right away to learn how your rights are preserved and protected.

Damages. Personal injury attorneys help ensure their clients get the reimbursement to which they are entitled by law. Some of the things for which injured parties are lawfully due damages include lost wages, medical expenditures – past and future, money for both physical and emotional pain and suffering, and damages for physical disfigurement. On occasion, a close relatives of the injured person, such as his or her spouse, maybe eligible for damages, as well. These awards to relatives are often known as loss of consortium damages, which is meant to reimburse the family for the loss of the injured or deceased individual's services and companionship.

Other damages that may be granted, based on the state laws and regulations wherever the legal action is introduced and the details of the unique case, include enjoyment damages, which are granted to compensate the claimant for the deprivation of enjoyment of activities that she or he once took part in in but can no longer do so as a end result of the traumas suffered. Punitive damages may be granted for the defendant’s acts if they were especially egregious and it is decided that the defendant should be disciplined by having to pay an amount of money over the plaintiff’s specific damages. Punitive damage awards act to prevent others from partaking in comparable harmful conduct.

Legal Causation. Not each and every injured individual is entitled to damages for the personal injury he or she receives. Aside from the harm, the claimant will have to also prove, through convincing and appropriate facts, that the defendant is lawfully accountable for his or her injuries. The plaintiff is to provide evidence of causation both in terms of authentic causation and proximate (legal) causation. Actual causation is decided by actual cause and effect. Legal causation is proven by the the details and circumstances of the case.

In certain injury cases, legal causation might be proven if the claimant exhibits that the defendant acted deliberately. This means that the person purposely or actively harmed the plaintiff or recognized that his or her conduct produced a significant likelihood that damage would result.

Negligence and Strict Liability. There are additional injury claims which usually are dependent on a looser notion of fault called negligence. Under this principle, a person is held responsible for the outcomes of his action, or omission, when an ordinary person in the same situation should anticipate that the conduct would likely create an unreasonable threat of damage to others. Still other kinds of personal claims are established on stringent liability, a no-fault system under which liability can be founded irrespective of the flawed acts of the parties, including the wounded. Strict liability often is applicable in products liability cases, as when a company or vendor puts a substandard product or service into the hands of individuals who are then harmed by the product.

Defenses to Personal Injury Claims. In specific fact situations, another's conduct, while in question, may not necessarily be “actionable.” If, for example, the injured purposefully and willfully chose to encounter a recognized risk to safety, then he or she has assumed the possibility of injury and therefore the defendant is not held liable. The presumption of the risk theory may apply, for instance, in a engaged in a friendly sport of tackle football in which another participant broke his leg; in such a situation, the plaintiff most probably would be powerless to recover for his wounds due to the fact he recognized the dangers inherent in the activity and voluntarily chose to face them.

Possible defenses to personal injury suits consist of:

Statute of limitations. Statutes of limitations are laws and regulations establishing the time period within which the suit must commence.
Sovereign immunity. Sovereign immunity safeguards certain government authorities from civil legal responsibility for their official acts.
Intentional misuse. Injuries caused by a claimant's improper use of a product produces a defense to legal responsibility in a products liability situation
Contributory or comparative negligence. Contributory or comparative negligence is wherever the one’s own conduct triggered or contributed to his or her injuries

A personal injury lawyer can clarify these issues and decide whether they apply to a specific case.
Personal injury claims often demand a lawyer’s knowledge and evaluation of all the details and circumstances to ascertain the defendant's legal liability for injuries caused. A personal injury attorney at The Law Offices of Samuel W. Bearman in Pensacola, Florida will evaluate the specifics of your case and ascertain merit and validity of your claim, when you must act to safeguard your rights, the damages availble, and whether you may be eligible to initial financial benefits even before resolution or your claim. Furthermore, in many personal injury cases, you will owe absolutely no legal expenses until the accused pays the damage award.

If you need a Pensacola Personal Injury Attorney - visit the Law Offices of Samuel Bearman

If you are looking for a Pensacola Personal Injury Lawyer - visit the Law Offices of Samuel Bearman