Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alcohol Abuse and How it Degrades the Quality of Life

The consumption of alcoholic beverages is for many a relaxing and enjoyable pastime. There are many social gatherings where drinks are served and everyone has fun socializing and sharing the time together. Sometimes there are those with a predisposition to alcohol abuse and these people gradually develop a dependence on the substance. Those who are victims of alcohol abuse cannot control the urge to drink. They also cannot fathom attending a social function where alcohol is not served. At least if they do, they don't stay long. These are in the prison of alcohol abuse and have a difficult time controlling it without abstinence, family support, and therapy. Eventually, the social gatherings will not be as fun as they used to be as the person under the control of alcohol abuse has to drink more to achieve the same results. For these people, the quality of life quickly begins to go downhill. Let's see what happens to the victim of alcohol abuse as his or her quality of life degrades.

The victim of alcohol abuse will have disturbed sleep patterns. Not getting proper sleep degrades many areas in a person's life. Lack of sleep causes improper firing of neurotransmitters in the brain and the results can be depression, confusion, and cognitive difficulties. Even after abstinence for several months, the alcoholic can still suffer from disturbed sleep patterns. The danger in this case is that patients sometimes revert back to alcohol abuse because they think it helps them sleep. It is true that alcohol has sedative effects but the sleep pattern is of poor quality.

Alcohol abuse leads to either difficulty on the job or job loss. However it is true that many with this condition can hide it and appear to be very successful. First of all, alcohol abuse can put a tremendous financial strain on a person. Increased resistance and the need to drink take their financial tolls. Alcoholics often incur debts because of their spontaneity in financial decisions. A person with financial difficulties will suffer decreased job performance because of the stress. Those who suffer from alcohol abuse will find over time that their absences will increase, spouses will make excuses for them, and eventually they will embarrass themselves at an office social gathering. Loss of job equals loss of lifestyle, identity, and means to support oneself or one's family--a definite decrease in a person's quality of life.

A person's mental health is seriously affected because of alcohol abuse. The victim of alcohol abuse will see any external attempt by someone to change his or her behavior as a threat. Scientists believe that the mesolimbic dopamine system is the structure in the brain associated with "rewarding" drug and alcohol abuse. To put it simply, people get a charge out of this hormone/neurotransmitter that is released when a reward is received. Dopamine affects a person's ability to experience pleasure, motivation, and emotional responses. The alcoholic develops a strong dependency on the dopamine response and any attempt to remove it will oftentimes be met with aggression, anxiety, and panic. The victim of alcohol abuse sees an end to his or her ability to interact socially or cope with life if alcohol is removed such as through a treatment program.

There are many websites that offer information about this issue but few offer actual support. If you are a victim of alcoholism or any of its related pains you will greatly benefit at - where FREE and professional counseling, prayers and healing are on offer to help you on your way to recovery.

Please visit us in the name of The Lord - we are here for you and you need not be alone.

Living with an alcoholic is a very fragile existence, the relationship always undermined by a breach of trust or a potential breach of trust. Find out at on how to deal with it.

Quitting Smoking Through Hypnosis

Smoking is one of the most difficult vice to let go. It is because it is difficult to drop the habit that techniques and devices were created to help smokers in their fight to become smoke-free. It includes the use of smoking aids like: nicotine patches, artificial cigarettes, nicotine gums that help smokers get through nicotine cravings. Some techniques use the help of relaxation exercises like deep-breathing exercises or yoga to help calm a person down during moments of restlessness when withdrawal symptoms attack. And some people find it easy to just undergo hypnosis to get rid of their smoking habits. But how does hypnosis help in the fight to stop smoking?

Hypnosis isn't just a simple technique wherein a trained professional embeds thoughts into your mind and you'll wake up wanting to do what they tell you. It also involves positive affirmations and suggestions to back you up on your chosen cause. Hypnotherapy has a particularly high success rate in helping smokers fully quit, making it one of the most commonly sought out treatments for quitting smoking. It is also partly because, instead of focusing on the negative aspects of smoking, it informs the smoker of the positive effects they can enjoy if they stop smoking.

Usually people who use the natural method of quitting smoking complain about the most crucial part of the process, this is the time when withdrawal symptoms start kicking in. These withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, dry mouth, nicotine craving, quitter's flu, irritability, fatigue, an inability to concentrate, constipation, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. These symptoms are largely a result of powerful conditioned responses. With hypnotherapy as a means to quit smoking, you can do away with the hassles of experiencing these withdrawal symptoms. With hypnosis, we reinforce these conditioned responses with positive thoughts. This means creating new conditioned responses to override those that think you will fail to stop smoking.

Here is an easy and simple way to get yourself started in stopping smoking for good: make a list of all the benefits you can enjoy from being a non-smoker. Close your eyes and imagine your future self where you are no longer a smoker. Let your future self think back on the time line and remember how quick and easy it was for you to stop smoking. Reflect on the wonderful feeling you felt when you realized the one day you've let go of the desire to smoke and stopped giving it any thought. Think of how proud you will feel the next time somebody offers you a light and you were able to successfully refuse. Enjoy that freedom and bring it back with you to your present self. To create an anchor for this feeling, press your thumb and forefinger together on your right hand and hold it for about thirty seconds.

After having anchored that new, powerful condition response follow these steps when you feel a craving to have the treatment work more effectively:
1. Take three deep breaths, hold each breath for at least eight counts, and then exhale fully.
2. Drink a large glass of water all at once.
3. Use the anchor you've created and have a nice, long moment of peace and quiet.
4. Eat an orange. Oranges have bioflavinoids that combat cravings. The act of peeling an orange also gives your hands something to do, and the smell of the orange is a lot better than that of cigarette.

Hypnosis is more than what we see in television shows or movies. In fact, you cannot make people do anything using hypnosis. The truth is, if someone doesn't want to stop smoking, they will be even more definite about that during hypnosis sessions! People can always lie during hypnosis sessions, the effectivity of this treatment only depends on a person's willingness to let go of this habit and finally stop smoking.

Stop Smoking With Hypnosis
Quit Smoking Hypnosis

Break Your Cigarette Smoking Habit The Easy Way With Hypnosis

Quitting smoking really is a necessity at this point in history, because smoking cigarettes has been banned from restaurants and other public places. And in fact, it is definitely the intelligent thing to do for more reasons than good health alone. This editorial explores the very best hypnosis and NLP methods that can be used to make it as painless as possible to break the addiction to cigarettes.

There are 3 individual parts to the addiction to smoking cigarettes. Two of the elements are mental, and only one part is physical.


When you were an infant and you got restless, your mother would put a nipple into your mouth to pacify you. You would get distracted, become calmer, and often go to sleep. That scenario was repeated many, many times so that your unconscious mind was programmed: When something goes into your mouth, you get relaxation and pleasure from it.

Now that you are a grownup, if you feel anxious or tense, you crave something in your mouth for relaxation and pleasure - a smoke!


Remember Pavlov? He rang a bell every time that he fed his dogs. After a few repetitions, all he had to do was to ring the bell, and that would trigger the dogs to salivate.

When you associate smoking with any other action, the other action will trigger cravings for a cigarette and an urge to light up a cigarette. This is called a conditioned response.

For example: If you smoke when you see someone else smoking, you will automatically get an urge to smoke each time you see someone else smoking.

Here is exactly how this conditioned response gets programmed into your unconscious: If a person smokes a cigarette and simultaneously drinks a cup of coffee, the mind takes a snapshot of the cigarette in the hand, and ties it to the cup of coffee. Thereafter, every time the person has a cup of coffee, his unconscious mind fills in the missing part of the picture. It flashes an image of a cigarette, and the smoker gets a craving for a cigarette.

You may be unaware of the mental picture of the cigarette, because it may only be at the unconscious level of mind. Just as you are unaware of what you are seeing through your peripheral vision until something or someone draws your attention to it. But the image is there, creating a craving for a cigarette.


I've worked face-to-face with several thousand smokers and I give you my guarantee that the physical addiction to tobacco is the weakest part of the smoking addiction. In fact, I believe that it is only ten percent of the addiction to tobacco. I believe that 90% of the addiction are the mental and emotional parts! (Parts A and B).


When you eliminate the feeling of tension that pushes a smoker to smoke a cigarette to create relaxation and pleasure (Part A) . . . and when you erase the conditioned response of feeling compulsions for cigarettes when having a cup of coffee, driving, or finishing a meal, etc. (Part B) . . . then you can give up tobacco without needing willpower, and without having to suffer from withdrawal symptoms or weight-gain.

Hypnotism can help trigger a smoker to stop smoking. Hypnosis will make it easy to give up tobacco because it takes care of Parts A & B! Here is how:

Part A is where smokers light-up a cigarette for relaxation and pleasure. It's your thoughts which create feelings of stress. More to the point, people persistently run mental movies in their mind's eye. If the movie is negative, it causes a feeling of stress.

We can use different NLP and Hypnosis methods to program the subconscious mind to quickly and easily take those stress producing mental images, and quickly exchange them for relaxation producing mental pictures and movies. This instills relaxation and pleasure, and eliminates the stress that triggers the oral urges and compulsions for a cigarette.

Because of the elimination of tension, the smoker who is quitting does not experience the compulsion or need to substitute food in place of the cigarettes. So quitting without weight gain is possible.

Part B is where smokers light-up because smoking becomes a conditioned response to many different activities and locations. Remember in the earlier example how smoking became unconsciously associated with other activities and environments so that each time you get into that activity or environment, the mind flashes an image of a cigarette, and the image of the cigarette triggers an urge to light-up?

There are stop smoking hypnosis, and quit smoking NLP techniques that can quickly eliminate those conditioned responses so that your subconscious will lose the cravings for cigarettes, and the compulsion to smoke. As a matter of fact, you can even get a compulsion to reject the cigarettes.


In summation, by utilizing certain NLP methods, it becomes very easy to stop smoking without withdrawal or weight gain. And many of these methods do not even require post-hypnotic suggestions. They depend on programming the unconscious mind to use the same thought processes that the unconscious is using to create the addiction to cigarettes, to eliminate the mental addiction.

Stop Smoking With Hypnosis
Quit Smoking Hypnosis

Monday, February 15, 2010

Online Business Directory - Better Than a Blog to Monetize

Yes, an Online Business Directory definitely bring much earnings than you expect. Let’s check the basics to build, establish and monetize a directory website.People think that affiliate marketing, blogging etc are the only ways to earn good money online. But in fact it’s terribly wrong and to get succeeded with these one must put great effort and hard work to make it work. So what are the other ways to make some minimum earnings online. Here I’m with an idea and that is to build a link directory. So what exactly is a business directory? It’s as same as a telephone index. It’s having all the details of the telephone numbers, so as a business directory (online) will be having the details of websites.

How to build a business directory?

There are many free link directory scripts are available online. Choose a simple one and you are ready to shoot. First build the website and make some minimum advertisements with discussion boards and viral via your friends.

How exactly we can earn?

As you know in terms of search engine optimization everything depends up on the number of backlinks. Business directories helps people to add their websites and they will get backlinks to their websites. And you can find thousands of directories online and the number is growing. At the beginning you have to allow people to submit their links for free. Because you will not be having much rating and visitors. So allow free submissions and bring maximum links. After 2-3 months of simple works you can make your directory with good number of backlinks and as a result your traffic and rating would be increases. Once your website(the directory) starts getting daily links you can add a featured link option with some minimum yearly fee. Again it will go on and you will be getting some small earnings.

After a few more months once you have established the directory and got a better ranking you can make the directory a paid submission. As the directory is having better attention from search engines and good traffic rating, people won’t mind pay a little to include their websites. So both will be getting the benefits.

I’ve tried this idea myself and started a new business directory a few months ago. And now its going really great. But still I’ve given a free option to add websites. I’ve got greater ranks and getting good number of paid submissions too. Soon it will go a fully paid Online Business directory.

Working with NewGenre Business Solutions. Experienced with various methods of online jobs. A successful ‘online business establisher’ Now handling NewGenre Business Directory and job forum. Which can be found at Online Business Directory.

Fort Worth Business Directory

Monday, February 8, 2010

Security For Your Home: Exterior Lighting

We all wish to keep our homes and businesses safe and well protected.This will be accomplished in an exceedingly large variety of ways and costs. One, rather simple, methodology for assisting in this goal is typically overlooked by the multitudes but is one of the most effective measures that may be taken so as to shield not solely the property from intruders however additionally to safeguard those on the property from unnecessary injury thanks to an inability to determine what is happening in the exterior after hours.

Seriously, poor lighting will create a home or business a a lot of a lot of attractive target than the house adjacent that has adequate exterior lighting. Home intruders might on occasion not be the sharpest tools within the shed but those that are successful in this line of labor are only successful as a result of they do understand the laws of opportunity. A dark shady space that is concealed from the view of others presents a far additional attractive target to would be intruders than a well-lit and revealing access purpose into a home.

When designing the protection plan for your home and business you really need to attempt and suppose sort of a criminal. If you were going to break into your home or business where would you are trying to realize entry? Those are the areas that need to be well lit and offer very little within the means of concealment opportunities for people who would attempt to form an uninvited entrance. Do not build storage sheds close to windows and doors. Instead, keep them removed from these areas. Storage units give concealment and shadow in areas where this could not be desired.

Not all security is merely from invasion. You ought to additionally be concerned about the health and welfare of people who live and work in your home or business. Having the realm surrounding your home and business will not only reveal intruders however additionally obstacles, holes, and etc. that could pose risks of injury additionally to potential intruders. You ought to conjointly bear in mind that not all intruders have only possessions in mind once they create their grand entrance. Creating your home or business uninviting as a 'pit stop' for these criminal parts also makes it safer for your family, friends, coworkers, and employees.

You are doing not would like to light-weight up your home or business sort of a military installation so as to attain the very security you seek. Motion sensor lights that only light up the area in which motion is detected will prove basic enough protection in several cases without inviting the neighbors to complain concerning the unending daylight you manage to create.

Rope lights give low level and ornamental lights but they conjointly invite passersby to require a look at your property. This in itself makes your property unattractive to intruders if there's any kind of regular traffic in your neighborhood or an energetic variety of neighbors that walk dogs, star gaze, or have interaction in any alternative nocturnal activities.

If rope lights aren't appealing, many homes make judicious use of solar powered ornamental lights, as part of their landscaping additionally to a hopeful deterrent to would be intruders. Combining two or additional of the varieties of exterior lighting mentioned above may web even bigger results. Prevention is usually the simplest plan when it involves things like home or business security also because the protection of those that live and work in your home or business from potential harm thanks to inadequate exterior lighting.

These are all things that should be considered when making a security set up for your home or business. Lighting is vital for several reasons. Despite the actual fact that many people have top of the road security equipment and can't notice their manner across their lawns when lights are out far too few folks bother to require the necessity for adequate exterior lighting seriously. It is our hope that the readers of this text will have a replacement understanding of how abundant proper lighting will do to protect your home.

Motion Sensor Outdoor Lighting makes a lot of sense. But not all Outdoor Motion Lights are built the same. Truth is that many lights get a mixed review. Visit us to get more information on various outdoor sensor lights.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Free SEO – The Do It Yourself Approach

Did you ever wonder about making your site more appealing to the Search Engines? Did you get scared off by the high fees that SEO specialists charge for their services? If you answered yes to each of these questions, then I have some good news for you. There are only a few very effective ways to get good search engine rankings. The techniques are not very hard to learn and only really require time and patience on your part. Let’s get started….

Domain Name
The trick here is to register a domain name your customers can remember and the search engines think is relevant. Use words in your domain name that describe your product or service. For example, don’t call your site if you sell pink widgets. You would be better off calling your site

Title Tag
Search Engines value the contents of the Title Tag when ranking your site for keywords. Put your most important keywords in your title tags, using singular and plural versions of each word. Make your tags different and specific for each page on your site. For example, "Pink Widgets and Pink Widget Support". The Title Tag should be a short logical description of your web page.

Header Tags
The description Meta tag is still used by many (not Google) search engines and is often used for displaying a short description of your website. Use about 20 to 30 words to describe your site and be as comprehensive as possible in the small space allowed. Try using your important keywords within the description tag. The keyword Meta tag is rarely used and should not be considered very important. Just put your important keywords in this space and move on to more important optimization issues.

Image ALT Tags
The ALT tag is used for a very short description of an image or graphic file, and is displayed when your mouse pointer hovers above a graphic. Using your important keywords in the image description has been shown to have a small effect with some search engines.

Keyword density
Different search engines have their own preferences as to how many times a keyword phrase can appear on a given web page in order to demonstrate the importance of that keyword phrase. You should try and make sure that your important keywords have a 5 to 8 percent density in your site. If you keywords have higher than 10 percent density, it may be considered as keyword spamming or stuffing. (This will hurt your search engine rankings dramatically) Use the H1 and H2 heading tags to elevate your important keywords within your site. The keywords contained in these tags are considered slightly more important by search engines.

Inbound Links
Getting inbound links should be considered your most important SEO strategy. Search Engines will rank your site based on the number and quality of inbound links to your site. Links from other highly ranked sites are more valuable and will increase your sites ranking. Contacting other website owners and asking them to exchange links with you is a good strategy. The sites linking to you should not be your competitors, but should be related to your site. For example, a bike repair shop would benefit by exchanging links with a bike trail site. Page Rank is a good indication of how valuable a site would be as a link exchange partner. Yahoo and Google each have a page ranking system. When arranging a link exchange, make sure that your important keywords are included in the anchor text. Search engines use anchor text when they try to figure out the relevance and importance of your web pages.

Affordable SEO Service
SEO Packages

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How Search Engines Work Or How To Get To The Top Search Engine Ranking?

These two questions are actually the same, because if one understands how search engines work, he will probably be able to get a site to the top search engines ranking.
Think about it.

Unfortunately, the answer is a complicated, dynamic and a secret one. The answer has to do with SEO – Search engines optimization. In fact, very few SEO experts, SEO consultants, SEO software and SEO companies can actually give you a perfect SEO solution.

In the next few lines I will simplify how search engines work. To understand more you must contact and pay to a SEO consultant working with a popular SEO service:

1. The search engines visit your site occasionally and index new topics on your site.

2. The search engines measure the quality and popularity of your site by the number and types of links to your site by other website.

3. According to the site topics, quality and popularity and many other parameters the search engine rank the site for each keyword searched.

Now, I guess you have a website or developing one and you want to get it to the top search engine rankings. Well, If you have money I suggest you pay to an experienced SEO consultant working for one of the top SEO companies.

Yet, if you do not have money, you can try doing it alone. But, be warned – a good SEO solution is time consuming. No matter which SEO software or SEO service you will be using, it will take you at least a couple of months to get your website to top search engines ranking.

Your first step would have to be reading more about the subject – reading about meta tags optimization services, keyword services, back links methods and organic SEO and using free SEO services like SEO toolbars and online SEO software. Good luck.

Affordable SEO Service
SEO Packages

The Latest On WordPress Themes

As WordPress and blogging become more and more popular, the list of customization options continues to grow. One can attribute that to each user wanting his or her blog to be unique or very much personalized. Who knows, one day a theme can be just as unique as the blog’s author! The following is an overview of the latest developments on WordPress themes.

WordPress Widgets

The blog software developer has recently come up with an edition of this plug-in for the full-version WordPress. A Widget here refers to those tools you can use to modify your site—its sidebar, design, or general layout—without having to know and use HTML codes. About a hundred Widgets are featured in the WordPress Widgets blog, and they are classified in categories such as photography, music, discussion, video, income, and links, among others. It is a fun and easy way of customizing your site, so that it features everything you care about, and nothing you don’t.

Not all themes are ready for these Widgets, however, and some modifications need to be done to include this fun feature in the sites that make use of such themes. gives full instructions on how to go about making your WordPress site Widget-friendly. WordPress is continuously adding to their already-vast selection of Widgets to suit their user’s whims and personalities.

Canvas Plugin

This blogger-friendly plugin has recently allowed blog users to create their very own theme for their WordPress blog. The good news is that this plugin allows users a pretty good level of customization without them having to study and use codes. The result: a site that looks very professional built within the range of a few minutes to a couple of hours. Even better news is that this plugin comes for free.

This stand-alone plugin opens up to a bare starting point, with a selection of blocks that you can include in your layout by drag-and-drop method. Among the many features of Canvas are Banner, RSS, Static Text, Feature, Digg, Flickr, Random Tagline, Comment, Category List, Asides, Archive, Description, Calendar, Search, Post, and Navigation functions. Meanwhile, an Ink tab gives the user the freedom to determine the styles to be used on the page, sans the need to check the actual stylesheet. This tab proves to be quite useful for beginners, because it features help links that corresponds to each theme component, the style of which you may be about to identify. These links load the template with an indication of the part in question, to give the user a clear idea of what effect the change will have.

“Being Moderated” Notification

It does not come as a surprise that some comments are being moderated by the recipient blog’s owner or moderator. However, it would be nice for you to let your eager comment writers know that you have received their comment, when the system is programmed to delay posting of comments on your blog until it has been read and approved by you. Without this notification activated, some of your readers may think that their comment just got lost and they’ll have to write their comment all over again, when in fact your blog has secured it and it’s only waiting for your approval. However, the blog author may need to be familiar with code to activate this feature. Nevertheless, it is one way to deter comment spammers from infiltrating your blog. Your may also word the notification in your liking. Here’s an example: “Thank you for your comment. It may take a while before your comment may be published. Please check back later.”

More Themes to Match Content

While it is all up to the blog author to decide, it would be quite useful to have a theme that will give first-time readers of your blog a pretty good idea of what to expect by simply looking at the design in use. For this reason, WordPress theme designers are coming up with more specific themes to match a variety of specific types of content. Experts say that the first several seconds spent by a visitor on your blog determine the impression they get of your site. So if your site fails to capture attention right away, then it’s most likely that you’re losing potential repeat readers or site visits.

When designing your site or choosing the appropriate theme, keep in mind that the first concern of a site visitor is whether or not the site has the kind of information needed by him or her. The visual elements, being much faster to grasp than the textual, will help in a big way. If the theme you choose does not correspond to the general content of your site, then attracting more followers will need more effort. Whether we like it or not, looks matter for a lot of people, as this is how beliefs and opinions are initially formed.

WordPress Theme Contests

To ensure your steady stream of new themes, WordPress and certain partners have organized theme contests to discover and recognize the best themes that have cropped up lately. Last year even saw several competitions that attracted theme creators and users alike. This year, however, the WordPress camp has witnessed a slowing down in the production of themes, perhaps due to the fading novelty of it all, not discounting the fact that a lot of those who submitted themes before did it for free.

Nevertheless, customization of WordPress blogs still holds quite a lot of promise, with the arrival of new customization features, such as the Canvas and Widgets plugins. It also promises more highly-customizable themes in the future. For now, you would already be missing out on a lot if you are not already trying out the latest WordPress customization plugins. You can also try modifying some basic features, such as whether your front page should show excerpts or the full blog entries, or changing the number of posts that will show up on your blog index, or both. Whatever you choose, there are hundreds of themes available and other options for you to use, to get as close as ever to your most desired look for your blog.

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