Thursday, October 29, 2009

12 Safety Devices To Protect Your Children

About 2-1/2 million children are injured or killed by hazards in the home each year. The good news is that many of these incidents can be prevented - by using simple child safety devices on the market today. Any safety device you buy should be sturdy enough to prevent injury to your child, yet easy for you to use. It's important to follow installation instructions carefully. In addition, if you have older children in the house, be sure they re-secure safety devices. Remember, too, that no device is completely childproof; determined youngsters have been known to disable them.

Here are some child safety devices that can help prevent many injuries to young children.

SAFETY LATCHES and LOCKS on cabinets and drawers can help prevent children from gaining access to medicines and household cleaners, as well as knives and other sharp objects.

Look for safety latches and locks that adults can easily install and use, but are sturdy enough to withstand pulls and tugs from children. Safety latches are not a guarantee of protection, but they can make it more difficult for children to reach dangerous substances. Even products with child-resistant packaging should he locked away, out of reach; this packaging is not childproof.

SAFETY GATES can help keep children away from stairs or rooms that have hazards in them.

Look for safety gates that children cannot dislodge easily, but that adults can open and close without difficulty. For the top of stairs, gates that screw to the wall are more secure than pressure gates."

New safety gates that meet safety standards display a certification seal from the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). If you have an older safety gate, he sure it doesn't have "V'' shapes that are large enough for a child's head and neck to fit into.

DOOR KNOB COVERS and DOOR LOCKS can help keep children away from places with hazards, including swimming pools.

Be sure the door knob cover is sturdy enough not to break, but allows a door to be opened quickly by an adult in case of emergency. By restricting access to potentially hazardous rooms in the home, door knob covers could help prevent many kinds of injuries. To prevent access to swimming pools, door locks should be placed high out of reach of young children. Locks should be used in addition to fences and door alarms. Sliding glass doors, with locks that must be re-secured after each use, are often not an effective barrier to pools.

ANTI-SCALD DEVICES for regulating water temperature can help prevent burns.

Consider using anti-scald devices for faucets and showerheads. A plumber may need to install these. In addition, if you live in your own home, set water heater temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit to help prevent burns from hot water.

SMOKE DETECTORS are essential safety devices for protection against fire deaths and injuries.
Check smoke detectors once a month to make sure they're working. If detectors are battery-operated, change batteries at least once a year or consider using 10-year batteries.

WINDOW GUARDS and SAFETY NETTING for balconies and decks can help prevent serious falls.

Check these safety devices frequently to make sure they are secure and properly installed and maintained. There should be no more than four inches between the bars of the window guard. If you have window guards, be sure at least one window in each room can be easily used for escape in a fire. Window screens are not effective for preventing children from falling out of windows.

CORNER and EDGE BUMPERS can be used with furniture and fireplace hearths to help prevent injuries from falls or to soften falls against sharp or rough edges.

Be sure to look for bumpers that stay securely on furniture or hearth edges.

OUTLET COVERS and OUTLET PLATES can help protect children from electrical shock and possible electrocution.

Be sure the outlet protectors cannot be easily removed by children and are large enough so that children cannot choke on them.

A CARBON MONOXIDE (C0) DETECTOR can help prevent CO poisoning.

Consumers should install CO detectors near sleeping areas in their homes. Households that should use CO detectors include those with gas or oil heat or with attached garages.

WINDOW BLIND CORD SAFETY TASSELS on miniblinds and tension devices on vertical blinds and drapery cords can help prevent deaths and injuries from strangulation in the loops of cords.

For older miniblinds, cut the card loop, remove the buckle, and put safety tassels on each cord. Be sure that older vertical blinds and drapery cords have tension or tie-down devices to hold the cords tight. When buying new miniblinds, verticals, and draperies, ask for safety features to prevent child strangulation.

DOOR STOPS and DOOR HOLDERS on doors and door hinges can help prevent small fingers and hands from being pinched or crushed in doors and door hinges.

Be sure any safety device for doors is easy to use and is not likely to break into small parts, which could be a choking hazard for young children.

CORDLESS PHONES help you watch your child continuously, without leaving the vicinity to answer a phone call. Cordless phones are especially helpful when children are in or near water, whether it's the bathtub, the swimming pool, or the beach.

Baby First provides the latest parenting tips and parenting information as we are the one stop solution for parent resource on raising babies and children.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to Know If You Need a Colon Cleanse

Many people doubt that a 30 day Colon Cleansing with the aid of a product such as Dual Action Cleanse actually works. While many people suffer from an unhealthy Colon which is filled with a decay of food materials which eventually leads to clogged fecal matter others using products are left with a completely healthy Colon which is able to rid itself of the build up of the harmful bacteria and toxins. The build up which occurs in the Colon can be effectively removed by using a colon cleanse for a thirty day period. It is not a quick fix solution but when it is used in conjunction with a high fiber low fat diet your Colon can again become healthy. The Colon has an important function in the body's digestive system and if your Colon starts to fail then your entire health will start to fail. The benefits of the 30 day cleanse program will stay with your body for years to come as you have effectively removed all of the toxins and bacteria which have built up since the day you were born.

Dual Action Cleanse is a thirty day program which allows your Colon to regain the health that it needs to provide the nutrients for the rest of your body.

Cleansing your Colon with a cleanse is an effective intestinal cleansing routine which will relieve the symptoms of acute constipation and diarrhea. After the thirty days of use you will find that it has worked so well that your body is again filled with endless bounds of energy. This was the intention of the developers of Dual Action Cleanse; to provide a quality Colon cleanser which would effectively produce a healthy and fit person. Many people are unaware of the ramifications of poor Colon health but those who are using Dual Action Cleanse or a similar product realize the benefits which are produced from a healthy Colon.

It is recommended that Dual Action Cleanse is used for a thirty day period and at least once per year to maintain Colon health. It is scientifically formulated to provide your Colon with the cleansing regime it needs which in turn will ensure inner body health. Most people using it notice rapid results after only a short period of use but even still it is recommended that you use Dual Action Cleanse for the entire thirty day period to maximize the benefits that Dual Action Cleanse can provide to your Colon. It can be purchased from all good health food stores and even on line for those who wish to use the convenience of shopping from home.

It is recommended for use by all people over the age of eighteen but should only be used by children under eighteen on the advice of a health care provider. It is a healthy and safe option to maintain the health that your Colon needs to support the digestive system.

Want to learn everything there is to learn about all natural colon cleanses like dual action cleanse? Visit my blog at this site for more information on this subject.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Online Dating Coach Reveals His Amazing Secrets to Meeting Fascinating Singles on the Internet

At the end of a long day at work, what better way to enjoy the evening than to share it with your heart's companion - your Soulmate. Not only is having a love relationship a healthy way to live, but you'll feel more fulfilled as a person too.

As an Online Dating Coach, I've had the pleasure of working with clients worldwide. People just like you have contacted me from all over the world wanting online dating advice... with the ultimate goal of finding their Soulmate - no matter where he or she may be living. In the global community we all live in today, connecting with and meeting singles online is the most natural thing imaginable.

Today I'll be your Dating Coach while I share some helpful online dating tips. With my online dating advice to guide you, learning how to find your Soulmate through online dating can be fun and easy - so let's get started!

A Dating Coach Offers some Tips for Success

One of your first and most important decisions is your commitment to joining an online dating service. Whether you join a large dating site with millions of members, or a dating service that targets matches within a smaller niche, your online dating success will, to a large extent, be the result of how well your Online Dating Profile is written. With this in mind, here are the first steps to finding your Soulmate.

First, make a commitment to joining one or more paid dating services, each of which has enough members living in your general vicinity so you'll have a variety of prospective Soulmates to choose from.

As your Dating Coach, I'll help you create your Online Dating Profile, since this will become your "Online Dating Brochure" and "calling card."

Then, decide who you would truly like to meet. Your online dating services can help you to some extent, but always keep in mind that you're using computer matching for your introductions. Therefore, to take full advantage of the technology, it would be helpful to first understand how it works! Online Dating services match their clients by performing both a keyword search, as well as a simple match of the preferences you've assigned in your Online Dating Profile. When the online dating services ask you to select your "interests and hobbies" for example, you'll be much better off selecting as many of them as you can while still being truthful. Let's say, for example, that under "interests and hobbies" you have 25 options to choose from. If you select only one of them, then you'll be matched with site members who have made that one selection too. Computer matchmaking works by matching the words or phrases from your dating profile with those of other members within your chosen age range and geographic area, while applying your preferences for height, hair color, drinking and smoking habits, and so on. So one of the secrets to getting more matches is to be more flexible with the options you choose, just like in the example I've given.

Finally, and most important of all, to take full advantage of the online dating services you join, whether you're a man or a woman, take the initiative and send some letters of introduction - and if possible, do this every day. Don't expect the online dating services to do all of the work! My best advice to you as your dating coach is to become pro-active - and be responsible for your success!

My Dating Coach Advice

You really can find your Soulmate on the Internet. So just take a deep breath, make a decision that you WILL succeed, and then get the ball rolling! Today more than 25% of single adults use online dating services, and within the next five years, this number is predicted to double. Will YOU find your Soulmate through Online Dating? To a large extend, the decision is up to you!

Jay Reiss is an Online Dating Coach who has worked with more than two thousand clients worldwide! He'll help you design your Online Dating Profile and show you how to succeed with Online Dating! He offers a free telephone coaching session (a $100.00 value - free!) and has Free Online Dating Advice on his website

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

Online Dating Tutorial

Internet dating is an amazing phenomenon. Nowadays, Internet dating sites in the U.S. are getting over 60 million visitors a month. There are now many hundreds of dating sites on the Web. Why such tremendous growth in this business? Simply because it's an easy, efficient way to meet members of the opposite sex. Anyway, it certainly has to beat the old-style singles services, bar scenes, etc.

However, before you get too involved in Internet dating - a world of its own - take ten minutes to read over this article. I have a some important suggestions for you that may save you a lot of frustration. I also have a few important warnings to keep you out of trouble.

There are now two main types of online dating sites, the so-called megasites, like,, and, and then there are the specialized sites.

These megasites cater to everybody, old and young, nationwide, and have hundreds of thousands of members. The specialized sites, on the other hand, focus on narrower niche markets - like Jewish singles, Christian singles, black singles, thirty-plus singles, senior singles, etc. It's really just a matter of preference whether to join the huge megasites or a small niche site, or both. One thing they all have in common is that they will charge you a membership fee - soon after your "free" sign-up.

You probably know how these sites all work. To get started, you complete a profile (some call it an "essay" but please don't write an essay) about yourself and your interests, etc., and then you upload your absurdly-flattering photo of yourself. Then you wait for some fish to bite the hook, or else you can play the role of the fish yourself and send emails to members you pick who you think look and sound interesting.

The sites almost invariably let you "search" for members who meet your specifications regarding age, education, location, religion, and other factors.

Women rule in online dating. Reportedly, women who send out emails to men get upwards of 96% responses. Men who email women get only about 20% responses. However, it's important to realize that cyberspace can be much more dangerous territory for women than for men. First, men tend to lie more than women, particularly about their marital status. A man may completely misrepresent himself on a dating site, even to the point of uploading a picture of somebody else. Women rarely do that sort of thing. (Women do, however, tend to post pictures of their younger thinner selves, which is much more forgivable.) A man may oftentimes describe himself simply in terms he thinks women want to hear - lying about his education, profession, age, the works, even about the fact he has three kids who are teenagers.

Why do men do this when the truth will sooner or later be found out? The answer is, many men who use dating sites are not necessarily looking for long-term relationships.

But the worst danger to a woman is to get involved with a man who's violent or unbalanced, and yes, there are some of those out there, too. Thus, ladies, it's extremely important to avoid giving men you correspond with through dating sites any information which will enable them to identify you until you are sure who you're dealing with. Though you may not be aware of it, you can now be identified via the Internet very quickly by someone who knows very little about you - maybe as little as your first and last names. And you can certainly be identified by your telephone number.

Conversely, it is very important that you insist that the man does identify himself. He should not resist giving you his full name and address. If he does resist, something is probably wrong - like he's already married. Once you have his name and address you can run a quick online background check on him for only about $50, using a service like Intelius. This will include a criminal records search and also give you some idea of his economic status because it will tell you if he owns a house and if so what its value is.

Unfortunately, it probably won't tell you if he's married or divorced, or if it does, its coverage will be limited to only be a few states, like Florida and Texas, that make this type of information easily available through databases.

However, if you haven't done so already, you can download our free ebook, Marriage & Divorce Records, USA ( This ebook provides URL's and government phone numbers for nearly all counties and states in the USA. Using it, you can check his marital status out reasonably thoroughly (though never with 100% certainty, since someone can get married or divorced anywhere).

Assuming you meet someone online you find interesting, you'll probably agree to a date. Always make it in a public place where there are other people around. A cocktail lounge is good, or a restaurant. (Not a bagel shop early in the morning, please. I often sit next to online daters at 8:30 A.M. in the bagel shop I go to, and I hate it. Pick somewhere there's reasonable privacy.)

I used to wonder why so few dating sites offer their members background checks. So I called up a couple and asked. They both said the same thing, because they're afraid it would "alarm" their members. They're afraid of giving the impression that there's something to fear from online dating. Of course, from a woman's standpoint especially, there really is something to fear. What if the person you're agreeing to meet and possibly enter into a relationship with is a convicted felon? So, again, I recommend you seriously consider doing an online background check before the first date. (Our first report in our Web Search Guides series covers the topic of online background checks in detail.)

Online Dating: A Few Tips

- Men need to be very cautious in emailing women on dating sites. Why? The reason is that they may inadvertently enter into a conversation with a minor, even to the point of arranging a date, and this can result in very serious consequences you don't even want to think about.

- From a woman's standpoint, the big question is, Is he telling me the truth? Especially regarding his marital status. Here are a few indications he's married: he fails to provide a photo (so his wife or one of her friends won't spot it online); he won't provide a home address or phone number, or only his cell number; he is never available on weekends or Saturday night, only during the business day. But although a man you're exchanging emails with should not hesitate to provide some personal information to you, you should never give out your full name, address or phone number until you're certain he's on the level.

- For more tips on safe online dating, visit

- Most online dating sites allow you to block emails from people you find obnoxious. Visit for help in dealing with someone who harrasses you. If you've got a really serious situation, try

- You should recognize that it's easy to lift somebody's photo from a dating site. So the photo you submit could conceivably turn up anywhere. It's unlikely anyone will lift it; even so, it's not impossible.

- Almost 85% of women embellish their online photos, so, men, don't be too shocked if she doesn't look like you expect. Be decent.

- Seven out of ten online dating participants are men. Unfortunately, a large proportion of these are married and are just looking for affairs or maybe cybersex. On the other hand a significant proportion of the women online are not looking for relationships, either. They're running online scams, trying to extract money from lonely men. For both men and women an excellent rule for online dating is: Never send money to anybody unless you're buying something.

- Did you know that, on most of the major online dating sites, you can easily check out someone's search activity by viewing their profile? You can also check to see exactly who has looked at your profile.

Most experts agree on the following guidelines when doing Internet dating: (1) Beware of people who start telling you their problems right away; (2) Watch out for minors who are posing as adults; (3) Never give out information about your personal finances - like how much money you make, whether you own a home, etc.; (4) Don't give your home address/phone number out right away and don't have the other person meet you for a first date at your home; (5) Don't send anyone money: (6) Don't take rejections personally - just move on. And if you need to reject someone yourself, do it tactfully ("I've decided to get back with my boyfriend," etc.); (7) Try to find out all you can about someone before agreeing to a first date; the Internet can help.

Joseph Ryan is Director of Washington Research Associates, Inc., Washington DC. The firm's website, Web Search Guides ( provides helpful 10-minute tutorials on topics of current interest, such as asset-searching, home refinancing, people searching, identity theft, and many others.

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Download Online Videos

Convert And Download YouTube Videos without all of the hassle.
In fact, there are lots of available ways for us to download videos, such as some apps programs, Video Downloader(Firefox Add-on) and so on. At the same time, you will find that many of these tools will download videos in file extension .flv, and you'll need to convert the video unless you have a .flv player. Some tools do this for you, or you can use a separate conversion tool. Thus, it is necessary for us to look for an easy and simple to download and convert videos. Today, I will introduce you, a unique and convenient video downloader.