Saturday, August 29, 2009

Free Website Hosting vs. Paid Website Hosting Basics

Web site hosting service companies on the Internet permit the user to make their web site accessible through the World Wide Web. There are huge numbers of companies that offer web space on their server for their customers and also offer Internet connectivity in general in a data center. There can be various types of web site hosting companies. The main classification is the free web site hosting and the paid web site hosting service companies.In case of free web site hosting, the user has the right to upload his or her web site content on the server space that is provided by the web site hosting company without any cost. This type of web site hosting service is great for people who are new to to internet and plan to get familiar with web site creation and functionality of web servers. On the other hand, to get your web site uploaded on a web space that is provided by a paid web site hosting company, you need to pay the company periodic fees. The fee amount may vary from company to company. The paid web site hosting companies are best suited for professional web site owners. People who need large web space to upload their web sites and who expect a certain amount of web site visitors which is restricted on free hosting accounts to a minimum.The revenue that the paid web hosting service companies get is through the fee that is paid to the company by the web site owners. In case of free web site hosting companies, the main source of income are the ads and banners that can be placed on their clients web pages.The main advantage of using a free web site hosting service is that they are free of cost and hence make a perfect choice for people who are new into the business and are just looking to start out. They are perfect for people who just want to display a minimum content on the World Wide Web in small amount of web space. The other advantage of using the free web site hosting service is that most of these companies provide integrated, easy tools to upload the pages on to the hosting account. They do this realizing the fact that the free web site hosting services are generally utilized by the newbies.There are also certain disadvantages of using the free web site hosting services. When using the free web site hosting service, you are forced to place the ads and banners by the web site hosting company on your web pages. Also the revenue that is obtained by the ads goes to the web site company. In case of paid web site hosting service, ads and banners placed on your web site are according to your will and the revenue of the banners and ads placed on your web site goes in your pocket. Also in some case of free web site hosting, the domain name of your web site starts with the web site hosting company name followed by your web site name. This is not the case of paid web site hosting service. You get a unique web site domain. The web space provided by free web site hosting service is limited whereas in case of paid web site hosting service you can buy the web space according to your requirements.

Roger McLean is marketing executive of, a Tela IT Inc property. For more great resources about web development, web marketing and web hosting visit Copyright 2007 by Tela IT Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce the article in electronic newsletters or on websites provided that the complete article text is included, unchanged, and that neither the copyright declaration nor this license are removed.

website hosting


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Business Letters - Do You Really Know What They Are?

My two "writing help" websites receive well over two million visitors per year looking for information and templates to help them with their writing. With that many visitors I get a pretty accurate idea of exactly what people are looking for in the way of letter writing help. In fact, a significant number of people arrive at my site based on the search phrase "business letter".

Now, at first glance the term "business letter" makes sense. But, just wait a minute here! What exactly do they mean by "business letter"? Well, it turns out that they're not sure. What it boils down to in many cases is that the person doing the search is involved in some kind of "business" (as owner or employee) and they need to write some kind of "letter" related to their business. Hence, their search phrase of "business letter".

I often get e-mails from people asking me if I have any business letter templates, or if I can write them a business letter. Invariably, I have to reply to them asking "what type of business letter, what is the specific purpose"? The fact is; "business letter" is a very general term that can mean one of many different specific letter types.

Accordingly, the rest of this article is going to explain exactly what business letters really are.

Despite the widespread use of e-mail in commerce today, traditional business letters are still the main way that the majority of businesses officially communicate with their customers and other businesses.

This is especially true when businesses want to formalize an agreement or an understanding. So far, emails are great for all of the preparatory work, but a formal business letter is still most often needed to "seal the deal".

There are two overall categories of business letters: business-to-business, and business-to-customer.


Most business-to-business letters are written to confirm things that have already been discussed among officials in meetings, on the telephone, or via e-mail.

Can you imagine the letters that would have to go back and forth to cover all of the questions and possibilities that can be covered in a one-hour meeting, a half-hour phone call, or a few quick e-mails?

The main purpose of a typical business letter is to formalize the details that were arrived at in those discussions, and to provide any additional information that was agreed upon.

Over the years, certain general standards have evolved in the business world that the vast majority of businesses use in drafting their business to business correspondence. The Top 10 business-to-business letters that people search for at my writing help websites, in order of popularity, are as follows:

1. thank you letter

2. introduction letter

3. cover letter

4. financial letter

5. marketing letter

6. sales letter

7. project letter

8. invitation letter

9. employee letter

10. congratulations letter

Even though the above terms are much more specific than the general term "business letter" there are multiple types of each of the above letters, depending on the purpose of the letter. For example, a business-to-business "financial letter" could be: collection letter, credit approval letter, credit refusal letter, invoice, price quotation, etc.


There are many different types of business-to-customer letters. They include: sales and marketing letters, information letters, order acknowledgement letters, order status letters, collection letters, among others.

As with business-to-business letters, over the years certain general standards have evolved in the business world that the vast majority of businesses use in drafting letters to existing and potential customers.

Of course, going in the other direction are customer-to-business letters. These include: order letters, order status inquiry letters, complaint letters, and others.

Since these are customer-generated letters, there is no particular expectation that they follow any particular letter-writing standard. Typically, they are handled just like any other piece of personal correspondence.

The Top 10 business-to-customer letters that people search for at my writing help Web sites, in order of popularity, are as follows:

1. cover letter

2. customer relations letter

3. financial letter

4. credit letter

5. introduction letter

6. order-status letter

7. sales letter

8. marketing letter

9. announcement letter

10. apology letter

Similar to the situation with business-to-business letters covered in the previous section; even though the above business-to-customer letter types are much more specific than the general term "business letter", there are also multiple types of each of the above letters, depending on the purpose of the letter. For example, a business-to-customer "customer relations letter" could be any one of : response to a complaint, follow-up with a new customer, interrupted service notice, letter of acknowledgement, special invitation, welcome to new customers, etc.


As you can see from the above, specifying that you are looking for a "business letter" is not very helpful. You need to be specific and define the purpose of the letter; that is, exactly what is the letter meant to communicate?

It's important not to confuse non-business letters with business letters. For example: job application letters, cv and resume cover letters, employment and college related letters of recommendation, character references, resignation letters, etc. are NOT business letters.

You might be surprised to learn that over 75% of all visitors to my main writing help website are searching for information on how to write just the Top 20 letters listed above. In fact, it turns out that a full 90% of the more than 1.5 million people that visit that site each year looking for letter writing help are looking for help with one of a list of 25 letters.

That's why all of my letter writing toolkits focus on multiple variations of about 40 specific letter types that cover over 95% of ALL letters ever written.

To see fully-formatted "real-life template" of a number of typical business letters, you can check out the following link:

Copyright © Shaun R. Fawcett. All rights reserved.

Shaun Fawcett is Webmaster of two of the most visited writing-help websites on the Net and the author of numerous how-to books about practical everyday writing. He is one of the foremost authorities in the world on the writing of business and personal letters. His definitive guide and templates on the writing of ALL types of business letters can be found at:

Sample Business Letter.
Read our Internet Marketing Techniques tips from our blog.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Natural Colon Cleaning

Trying to live a life free of as much processed food as possible will go a long way in keeping your digestive system working the way it is suppose to work. A fact most of us do not know is that most adults on average walk around with at least seven or eight undigested meals in the colon that is around five pounds or more, this cannot be good.

A little better is a person who has eaten a diet rich with fiber, raw fruits and vegetables. On average, this person only walks around with three undigested meals in the colon that is a lot better then eight. Think about it the food is just sitting there releasing toxins into the blood stream is there any wonder we feel the way we do some times.

Although the facts my be hard to swallow sometimes fixing the situation really isn't that hard if you think about it. Not only will you feel better, you will be healthier, two birds with one stone. The fact is a clean colon is good for our over all health. There are lots of products that can help you get a clean colon, then even have some all nature products.

The fact is colon cleansing with take about two or three weeks to finish, but in the end, it will have been well worth for your health. The basics for an all nature approach are fasting on water and juice. Eating lots of raw vegetable and fruits, and eating a high fiber diet. A warm water enema.

This is not a process that will be over in a day or two as I have mentioned, depending on the person. It took a while for the toxins to build up in the body, and it may take a little time for them to be neutralized. My name is Luke Wilson and I'm an avid consumer writer. I write about everything from the basic day to day items to the latest in technology and health

To understand more about colon detox or take a look at colon cleaners.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Addiction and Recovery - What is Detox?

Detox from alcohol is actually very dangerous and the first point we need to make here is that if you or someone you know is detoxing from alcohol and they seem to be shaking more than usual then the proper course of action is to get them to the emergency room. This is important and it could very well save their life as quitting drinking can actually kill you if you are not careful.

Yes, you can die from not taking a drink. It is very possible and it happens several times a year in our world. People die from massive seizures and severe withdrawal symptoms from not drinking alcohol. Had they drank they would have lived through it. It is that serious.

So what you need to do if someone has taken the plunge and is vowing to remain sober is to get them some help. This means a medically supervised detox. You might find this in a hospital or a treatment center or a drug rehab. These places are not free of course so in some cases you will need to jump on the phone and make prior arrangements. This is not convenient because when someone decides to quit drinking they usually do not give you a weeks notice in advance.

If you have good insurance or can pay cash up front then this may not be a problem and you can get them the help and care that they need right away. If not, call around anyway and see what your options are because the last thing you want to do is to have the alcoholic detox themselves at home. It is far too dangerous in most cases and their chances of staying sober will be greatly reduced.

Learn more about detox from alcohol and the AA sucess rate.

Learn about the alcohol detox medication by visit alcoholic detox.