Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Guide To Hypnosis

There are many stories about hypnosis and hypnotherapy being dangerous, turning people into chickens, people not being able to wake up, and unscrupulous hypnotists exploiting their 'vulnerable' patients. However there are many people who are adamant that it has helped change their lives, helping them succeed in their goals. Millions of people swear that it has helped them with many issues such as weight loss, quitting smoking, other addictions, confidence, phobias, stress, success, IBS, and many more issues.

Many people are missing out on this powerful yet safe therapeutic tool because they are too afraid to use it. I hope to dispel these fears by answering these common questions about hypnotherapy.

Can I be hypnotized? Most people can go into a hypnotic trance. The only types of people that cannot be hypnotised are ... 1. Those suffering from psychosis or a thought disorder 2. A person with a low IQ 3. A person does not want to be hypnotised. It is very easy to resist hypnosis if you want to. What is a hypnotic trance? It is a normal and natural state that most of us experience several times a day. It commonly happens when people are driving. Have you ever driven somewhere and not really remembered the journey? It also often occurs when reading a book or watching TV. Sometimes you can be so absorbed in the book or TV programme that you are not consciously aware that someone is talking to you. Hypnosis is the focussing of the conscious attention in such a narrow corridor of influence. The conscious mind is so intensely focussed that other influences are not being critically analysed by the conscious mind. We still hear them, although we are not always aware. A good example of this is when you are in a place where there are several conversations going on at once. They may all sound like a mass of background noise. However if someone in one of those conversations mentions your name, you then consciously focus on that conversation. How did you know someone said your name? Your subconscious mind (which is far more powerful than your conscious mind) was listening to EVERY conversation AT THE SAME TIME! That is perhaps a reason why you can sometimes "just know" something. Your subconscious mind has absorbed it without you consciously being aware.

What does hypnosis feel like? When in a trance you feel more mentally and physically relaxed. It is a very pleasant experience, and you can tell that you are still in control. You can still hear exactly what is going on around you, unless you choose to drift your attention away. You become aware that you can easily stand up, talk, or move whenever you want. A lot of people (me included) when they first experience a hypnotic trance move their fingers or hands in order to test whether they can move at will. Sometimes a patient can be a little difficult to wake up. This is not a sinister thing as it has been portrayed. No one has ever been stuck in trance. It is more a case that a patient just "can't be bothered" to wake up as it feels so pleasant. However they soon become bored and will wake up pretty soon. One trick the old hypnosis pro's use is to tell the patient that they are charging for the time. It's amazing how quickly they then wake up!

Is hypnosis dangerous? A hypnotic trance is actually a very natural state that almost everyone goes into several times per day. In 1955 the British Medical Association set up an inquiry which favourably reported hypnosis as a therapeutic tool. It even recommended that it should be taught at medical schools. Hypnosis was also approved by the Council of Mental Health of the American Medical Association in September of 1958 as a safe practice with no harmful side effects. Since then there has been acceleration in the establishment of hypnosis societies for doctors, dentists, and psychologists. No one has been seriously hurt with hypnosis.

Can I be made to do things against my will? You could never be made to do anything against your will or contrary to your value system. If this was actually possible, would there not be criminals learning the art of hypnotherapy in order to hypnotise their bank managers to opening the vaults and handing over a large sum of cash?! In a trance, you would not unknowingly reveal your deepest secrets. You can even lie when in a trance, which is one reason why testimony in hypnosis is not permissible evidence in a court of law. It is only used by police to help with the investigation. A person will only act upon suggestions that serve them in some way or reinforce an expected behaviour, anything else their subconscious will just ignore. Most people develop these misperceptions from seeing or hearing about a Stage Hypnosis show. However they largely achieve their results from showmanship, selection of the more extrovert people, and peer pressure.

How long will it take before I notice a change? In one session, you can expect to become more relaxed than you are right now. Most people do not relax enough, and some people never seem to relax! Being more relaxed can help most mental and physical problems that you may have. I have often had patients report back to me that people noticed that they seemed more relaxed after just one session. In the past I have significantly helped problems such as IBS, skin complaints, and addictions, simply by doing relaxation work. Hypnosis can bridge the gap between your head and your heart, making your goals much more emotionally compelling, and therefore increasing your chances of permanent change. Depending upon the intensity of your session and the number of times you have listened to the recording, you will notice suggestions for the desired behavioural changes spontaneously popping into your conscious mind almost immediately.


lose weight with hypnosis

Car Hire In Munich For World Cup 2006

The World Cup in Germany this summer will be the biggest tourist draw in Europe for 2006 as well as being the most popular and watched sporting event in the world. The host cities of Germany are prepared for the influx of tourists and fans, seeking to soak up the atmosphere of the greatest show on Earth.

As one of the main host cities Munich is set for the opening of the tournament with added accommodation and improved transport links added to cope with the additional hoards that will descend on the city this summer. Munich is no stranger to high volumes of tourists as open of the most popular short break destinations on the continent and, of course, the centre of the world famous Oktoberfest.

Last minute travellers to Munich during the World Cup will find it difficult to attain accommodation. Despite the added rooms and camps, most hotels and sites have been sold out for some time. Some of the major hotel booking (http://www.superbreak.com ) resellers might have some availability if not in Munich then perhaps in the surrounding towns of Bavaria. There are alternatives outside of the city of Munich and these options can be explored further by visiting the official German tourist website (http://www.germany-tourism.co.uk/pages/getting_around.html ).

Bavaria itself is one of the main tourist hot spots in Germany with a range of attractions that should keep even the most restless of tourist occupied for a week or so. For those hoping to mix some
World Cup action with something more sedate then Bavaria might just be the place to explore. Bavaria is a great region for driving with rolling landscapes and scenery befitting any country, not least the famous Black Forest itself. Car hire is easy to come by in the region and is centred around Munich and in particular the International Airport. Most of the major car rental (http://www.easycar.com/aspx/car-hire/location/Munich.aspx/EN ) firms have a presence there to travel around Munich for the World Cup or to the wider Bavaria to get away from the celebrations.

Car Hire Port Macquarie Airport

Car Rental Port Macquarie Airport

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

House for Sale? 7 Easy Ideas and Advice for Creating Great Curb Appeal to the Outside of Your Home

No matter how beautifully decorated the inside of your home may be, if the outside of the house does not reflect what lies behind the front door, you may easily lose the sale.Potential homebuyers frequently make a list of homes from various internet sites, advertisement listings
or through a realtor that they wish to see and then drive by these homes to get a ‘feel’ for the property and the house. Bottom line, if your home looks unappealing from the outside there is a good possibility your home will be crossed off the list of potential purchases. Decide to spend a weekend fixing up the outside of your home and stick to a plan.

1) Call two or three local landscapers and ask them to come out for a landscape appraisal but most importantly ‘pick their brain’ for ideas of how best to show your home. Explain that you are selling the home and wish only to make the most of the exterior at minimal cost to you. In some cases, you might be
surprised, particularly during slow landscaping seasons that you can afford to have a professional lightly landscape your property or at least modify a portion.

For less than $500, an associate of mine had a local gardener come in and plant 12 tropical plants, 8 large flowered bushes, trim the existing trees to shape, pull the weeds, cut out sod to merge two planting beds, plant 20 small flowering bushes and throw down several bags of mulch in 2 afternoons. She also saved a little more money by having him transplant bushes from another part of the property to the front where she planned to create a more dramatic impact. Further, his price included clean-up and removal of gardening debris, which saved her a lot of time after the work was complete. Her soil was very hard to dig into and it would have taken her twice as long to dig one hole as it did for the gardener to dig several; he was familiar with such difficult work and he had all the right tools to do it quickly. My associate only paid him to service the front
beds while she saved money by cleaning up the smaller side beds on the side property by doing it herself. (The gardener even let her borrow his expert tools as long as she promised to return them the following day, which she did.)You might be surprised at the minimal but well-worth price of hiring a professional gardener, particularly if you find a local, one-woman/man operation with low overhead. Someone starting a new business might also be less expensive in trying to build a clientele while my associate in turn offered to advertise the gardener’s services by keeping business cards on hand during real estate visits.

Consider having him/her do a portion of the work and then do the less difficult areas of your home yourself. Even if you do not have a landscaping budget, call a few local gardeners to come out for a quote just to get some great landscaping ideas you can use yourself. Most are willing to spend a few minutes of their time even if you do not use their services. Take their business card anyway and offer to send them a referral. It is all part of doing business. So consider hiring a professional

gardener to add curb appeal to a tired property.

2) Stand at the curb of your property and look the land from the perspective of the drive-by potential buyer. Get in the car and drive down your street and look at the way your property compares to your neighbors. If your neighborhood is well-cared for but your property is not; where the trees are overgrown and the
weeds are hiding your front door is a clear indication your home will stick out like a ‘sore thumb’ and you may lose the sale. If you live in a neighborhood where your neighbors’ landscaping is ‘so-so’, this is your opportunity to shine. My associate explained that she once lived in a brand new home in an older neighborhood where few people took the time to landscape
nicely so anything she did…add a border, plant a few bushes, and place a park bench near the
front driveway with container plants, certainly looked amazingly better than the homes around
her property. When the time came to sell this home, she took a ride around the block and took
the position of the potential buyer. As a drive-by buyer canvassing her own street, my associate noted that the viewer would see blasé curb-appealed homes and then come upon her own, where the flowers were blooming, the green grass was trimmed, the containers were filled with flowers and the inexpensive park bench at the end of the long driveway looked inviting. So plan your landscape to stand out from the rest and if your budget does not allow for the extras, then the next rule of thumb is to just make the property look ‘neat’….

3) Neatness in landscaping is important. If a property looks tidy, the impression you will give to the drive-by buyer is that the inside is neat and well-cared for as well. Even if you are not a neat person, make an effort to neaten up the exterior. Find someone who has a ‘neat’ eye and ask for their opinion.

Trim the grass and if you have spotted, brown grass, invest in a bag of grass seed and water frequently to encourage growth. Baby-sit the seeds and if necessary, place a barrier around the area to keep children and pets from stomping on them. Cover new grass-seeded areas with hay or grass clippings to prevent blowing away, from birds eating the seeds and to keep moisture in. Water newly seeded areas daily.

If you have time before you place your home up for sale, fertilize your lawn…it can make a huge difference in how healthy and green the lawn shows from the street. If you do not have grass, then create areas with grass. Consider removing areas covered in stone or weeds and planting with either seeds or sod. It is a big project if you have little or no front lawn so elicit help from friends and neighbors if needed.

Having some kind of greenery in the form of grass makes a huge difference to a buyer. Grass is a great canvas to making other areas of your property stand out and grass appeals to many who grew up with front lawns or always wished they had one. If you live in areas where it is impossible to grow grass, adding stone is another possibility however, be sure that stone works in that area of the country in which you are selling. Stone lawns usually fit in better in coastal properties where sand is the foundation and the cost of carting in topsoil is enormous. I often feel that all-stone frontage looks out of place in neighborhoods where lawns are more
prevalent and gives the impression the homeowner really cannot be bothered to maintain a lawn. I feel that stone is not a warm product if used in large areas and should be contained in smaller garden beds if possible.

4) Once you have the grass, fix up the existing beds. (If you do not have any beds in your property, this would be an entirely different article. This article deals with homes, which have garden beds already in place that need sprucing up.) Garden beds help soften the hard lines of sidewalks, walkways, and the rigid angle of homes. Once you have weeded these beds, ask yourself, “Does the design of the current beds allow them to be connected in some way across the front of the home? Do my beds flow?” The reason that I bring this question forward in a Curb Appeal article is that my associate explained to me that she used to have to separate garden beds in front of her home; one ran right across the front left-side of the home and the other ran down the side of the driveway. Both beds were disconnected from each other separated by a walkway. This separated design made the frontage look severed and harsh.

So she cut out the sod from the bed in front of the house, around the walkway and made a
connection to the bed nearest the driveway. It looked like one continuous snake-like bed and
once planted with similar foliage the entire property looked really ‘pulled together’. In doing this she accomplished two things:

1) Softening the hard angles of the walkway, which did not have a garden bed in front of it and,

2) the property had the look of what my colleague refers
to as ‘fluid design’. The eye now followed a soft flow from one end of the house where the bed began to the end of the driveway where the bed ended. And…there was a small surprise at the end of that bed too, which made the design interesting and appealing. At the end of the driveway, which is ordinarily dull space, the garden bed ended in a circular shape and she planted just a few extra eye-catching flowers there; just a nice little touch and the colors were appealing. The path up the driveway, followed around the walkway toward the entrance of the home was entirely landscaped and pulled together with like-flowers and shrubs. Not a whole lot, but it was consistent and it was neat.

5) Another lawn tip from my associate…she did not have time for grass to grow in some ugly, brown and bare spots on her front lawn and in some cases, the grass just never grew back at all. She cut around the bad areas and made a teardrop-shaped cut out on that spot and filled it in with a few container plants she had growing in the yard. My colleague arranged the containers on 3 different levels…small, medium and large and then filled around the containers with mulch to even things out. The arrangement looked very nice. One of her empty containers (she often picks them up in the dollar store or finds disposed of in construction sites), she cut in half and placed it cut-side down on the bare spot on the lawn in front of the 3 flower-filled containers. She filled the cut container with soil and threw in a handful herb seeds, namely dill and in about 2 weeks; the container flowed with pretty green herbs and ‘spilled out’ the container onto the ground covering the area cut out from the lawn.

It made a nice presentation and was not too ‘much’ and at the same time hid the very worse part of our property. My friend noticed that even after I sold the home, the new owners still kept the container area as it was when she had the home for sale.

6) Another consideration when taking control of curb appeal when selling your home is to remove or trim down those trees and bushes which hide the beauty of your home. So often buyers look at photos of homes, which show a huge tree in front of the house that hides any view from the inside to the street. If you cannot see the home in a photo or in a drive-by viewing, this again reduces the chances that a potential buyer may be interested in your home. No one wants to ‘guess’ what a home really looks like and if there are overgrown bushes and trees hiding the house, potential buyers do not want to envision having to clear the property themselves. So be bold and trim the bushes down and if necessary, remove whatever seriously blocks viewing the home’s charm and character from the street.

7) Along the lines of seeing a home from the street is the inability to do so if

you have cars parked in front that do not always need to be there. Granted, we need to park our cars but if you have the opportunity to take your car to the street or to the furthest end of your property for a few hours on the weekends or, if you have a large driveway and can move the car away from the front of the home, then take the time to do this. Buyers need to visualize the home as it would be if they lived there and anything which detracts from this thought is a non-plus for you as the seller. Weekends are usually the busiest times for drive-by house viewing so if you can move your car to a neighbor’s driveway or off your own driveway for a few hours, do so. It may make a difference in the curb appeal of your home.Also, as a reminder, if you have any cars, boats or trailers parked in front of your home, which really do not need

to be there…a car you were going to work on or an inoperable vehicle without any registration and kept putting off paying to be towed away, make a decision as whether it really needs to be there or not. Call a charity to have it towed away and donate it. Put an ad in the paper or on craigslist for a free boat or project car, but by all means, remove any unnecessary vehicles, which really take away curb appeal and make the property look more like a car dealership or a parking lot than a home.

So the main items to consider when creating curb appeal are to:

Neaten up the property

• Plant grass or sod wherever possible – if not possible, hide bad

spots with container gardens.

• Trim and cut away trees and shrubbery which prevent

drive-by buyers from seeing your property and the home to its fullest.

• Remove cars on

higher drive-by traffic days and permanently remove any cars, boats or trailers, which will not be sold with the home.

• Call a landscaper for his/her opinion and talk about a quote for

neatening up the property. See if you can afford at least a portion of it to be professionally

‘neatened’ and if not; get ideas from a professional that you can use later on your own.

And try also at Lake Tapps Homes for Sale.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My website needed more targeted traffic. Guess where I found it?

There’s nothing new about using joint ventures (JV's) to get traffic to websites. And good information is freely available from many internet marketing sites on how to set up JVs.

This article is for the 97% of webmasters who aren’t aware of a particularly powerful JV partner who already exists, and is willing to work with you.

Before I reveal all, let me just check...

Like me, I would image you’d be happy if:

* Your JV partner’s site gets huge traffic.
* The vast majority of page views are by targeted traffic.
* You can create links wherever YOU like from their site.
* You can start now. There’s no delay in setting up the JV.
* The JV continues as long as you want.
* It costs you pennies to set up and run.

Does that sound like it’s what you’re looking for in a JV?

If so, welcome to eBay. You’re new joint venture partner.

But I Thought...

"eBay?" I hear you ask, "Isn’t eBay just an auction site?"

Well, it certainly started as an auction site. Today, eBay is an ecommerce phenomenon.

* eBay’s 1.5 billion page views put it in sixth place on Alexa traffic rankings. Ahead of Amazon, AOL and CNN.
* eBay members make 79 million targeted searches for items each day.
* There are 35,000 categories within which to place items for sale.
* There are eBay auction sites in 27 countries.
* eBay has 125 million registered users.
* 40,000 new members join eBay each day.

What we have here is a hugely successful internet business with massive traffic. And, thanks to eBay’s sophisticated categorization and searching mechanisms, the traffic is totally targeted.

More importantly, there are several smart ways to drive eBay’s targeted traffic to your own website. All of these clever methods add up to what I call the eBay Traffic Funnel.

Does it work? Well, I sell a communications product from my website. I run 5 simple auctions in the appropriate categories using the principles of the eBay Traffic Funnel. Each auction costs me 30 cents and runs for a week. I get around 300 targeted leads from these auctions to my website every week. Not bad for one dollar fifty!

Let me show you just one of the ways to get hold of that targeted traffic...

Sell, Sell, Sell

First of all, you make eBay part of your marketing mix. You start selling your products on eBay.

Why do I say this? Well, eBay isn’t just for mom and pop businesses anymore. IBM, Disney, Motorola, Xerox and Dell, are just a few of the major corporate that now use eBay as an additional sales and lead generation channel.

Creating eBay auctions is easy. Anyone can do it - literally. But if you don’t want to learn, you can use a Trading Assistant. These are eBay experts who will create, run and manage auctions on behalf of others for a percentage of sales or a small fee.

When you set up your auction one of the decisions you make is in which category to place your item. This is important. Visitors to your auction page - just by being there - have self qualified themselves as being in the market to buy products in that category. This is targeting in real time.

But merely creating the auction isn’t the trick. Here’s the key tip. In your auction page, make sure you tell your viewers that if they’ve any questions about your auction, your products or your policies, they should email you. And encourage them to do this by having a live email link in your auction, like this one brian@more-auction-sales.com

As soon as they make contact with you, you’ve acquired a targeted lead you wouldn’t have got any other way. You can start building a relationship. You can get them on your list, direct them to your website and start selling to them.

Pieces of Eight

I’ve only the space to show you one way in which you can direct your share of eBay’s targeted traffic to your website. There are eight ways in total. If you want to know the other seven, you’ll find them in my free eBook ‘The eBay Traffic Funnel’. You can get this here: http://www.more-auction-sales.com/websites

Setting up a JV with eBay can produce significant results. There isn’t another business on the web that gives you access to the targeted traffic eBay supplies for the price of a few pennies. Best of all, 97% of webmasters have yet to realize the power of this. The opportunity for you and your website is there for the taking.

Increase Web Traffic in 15 Minutes

Instant Traffic Surge See the Proof

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Learning To Play Piano Chords

If you are playing several notes at the same time, then you are playing piano chords. Simply put, when multiple notes are played together, piano chords are achieved. The chords then come together to form a melody. Every song that you hear has a melody and it is through each melody that music is achieved. Sound complicated? Well, that’s ok because it really isn’t as difficult as it sounds.

As a musician, whether it be professional or hobbyist, you will need to learn the various types of piano chords. The more that you understand about piano chords, the more variety you will have when playing. If you want to write your own music, you not only need an ear for tunes, but also the understanding of how to make them come together. A good instructor will introduce you to piano chords during lessons.

If you already have some experience, but simply want a better understanding of advanced piano chords, discuss these options with a private tutor or music teacher. By gaining an understanding of what sounds good and what doesn’t, you will have the undeniable edge over other budding musicians.

Every piano has 88 keys and while it may seem intimidating to learn piano chords, it actually comes down to memory. When typing on the computer, you know which keys to press in order to make a lowercase letters change to uppercase, right? By studying piano chords, you will begin to understand which keys to press at the same time in order to play a chord. During your introduction to learning piano, an instructor will cover some of the basic chords and you will come to know their sound when you hear them. After enough practice, you will be able to immediately identify piano chords by ear.

There are several other ways to help in your learning of piano chords, including instructional books, tutorials and videos. In the beginning, it may even help to label the keys until you have a better understanding of each of their unique sounds. As you progress in your learning, you can remove the identification labels and play using any arrangement of sheet music. Learning to identify notes will play a large part in your understanding of piano chords. As you move through your studies, you will learn all of the terminology associated with piano playing and the definition of each.

Learning piano chords is a very important part of the process, but it does require a certain degree of patience. Always remember that time will lessen the difficulty and, before you know it, you will be playing and identifying piano chords by ear. While it may seem intimidating at first, you will soon begin to notice the ease of playing piano chords will come naturally. Happy tunes!

Find out how you can learn to play piano online.
Learn what is the best piano course so you can teach yourself to play piano.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shopping For Unique Baby Gifts

Unique baby gifts can be fun to choose and give. There are many kinds of baby gifts in the market today. You can gift a savings plan for the child. You can also gift money for music lessons and camps. You can gift memberships for the local zoo or museums for children as well.

Good To Go Online

Personalized baby gift ideas make wonderful gifts. You can go to the local departmental store or browse the internet for these special gifts. Online market place will be a better option since there are excellent personalized baby gift ideas available on the web. The best thing about online shopping is that you can compare the price and various options available. You can choose from hundreds of baby gifts in a limited time. You can select from picture frames, cups and blankets. Photo albums and scrapbooks are also great. Clothing items are available in personalized gifts category. You can personalize stuffed animals, diaper bags and stationary for gifts. Jewelry is a great idea if your budget allows so. You can buy small rings or lockets with the baby's date of birth and name engraved in them.

There are unique baby gifts for christening and baptism too. Very special personalized gifts like christening blankets and Bibles can be gifted. You can also consider figurines, crosses and baptismal clothing for these special occasions. In addition, there are gifts according to the gender of the baby. Baby gifts are normally given during baby showers or after the delivery at the hospital. Baby gifts will make the parents feel happy. It is more so when the parents really need the stuff.

Sterling Gifts

Grandparents can purchase sterling baby gifts. They can be engraved with the name of the child and a message. They can be easily bought online with the help of a catalogue. These gifts look pretty in a baby's room and are good display materials. Except jewelry, parents may not allow the children to handle these gifts.

Unusual Gifts

You can also go for unusual gifts. You can very well establish a gift of the month plan. You can think about paying for child care for a period. You can also hire a photographer to take the pictures of the child. You can find most of the unusual gift items online that can be sent to the child's home directly. It is very easy to order for these gifts. You will find many websites offering personalized storybooks for children. You can spend some time looking at the various options available and then make a suitable choice. These books will bear the baby's name and other information. These gifts will also make the kids feel special. Some popular baby gifts available online are toys, clothing and nursery accessories. Parents would appreciate these gifts greatly. It is also good to look for organic products and gifts.

You will enjoy gifting unique baby gifts [http://www.zazzle.com/unique+baby+gifts] to new parents. Baby gifts are remembered for a long time. A personalized baby gift [http://www.zazzle.com/personalized+baby+gifts] can make a lasting impression.

For the best unique baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets free shipping for boy, girls, unisex and twins.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby Gift Baskets For Showers And Newborn Gifts

If you are wondering what to buy for a baby gift or baby shower gift, then you may be faced with something of a dilemma. You will know that the parents probably need practical things, as does the forthcoming or newborn baby. The parents will probably also like items that are attractive, while a new baby will not care one little bit what their clothes, bedding or any other baby items look like. An attractively presented baby gift basket helps the gift buyer to reach a compromise, and solve their dilemma.

It is certainly fine, if not desirable, to focus on practical baby gifts, whether they are to be presented at a baby shower or directly at some other time; before or after the new baby is born. That then leaves the desire of the parents, and the person giving, to receive or offer a gift that is attractive. With a gift basket, you can combine the practical gifts with some pretty and attractive necessities, thus making an ideal gift offering to celebrate the birth.

Many of the things parents will really need for a new baby are quite mundane, to say the least. Diapers, baby powder, baby soap and other seemingly trivial items are really necessities, and will be welcome gifts for a new baby. However, individually they do not make gifts that most of us would like to give. Despite that, mixing the baby powder, diapers and wet wipes with some toys, and then presenting them nicely, can bring about a transformation. That is where baby gift baskets really come into their own.

For example, you could have a diaper bag as a “basket” and include a few baby toys, such as plastic ducks, baby rattle, and cuddly bear, together with more practical items like a wash cloth set, baby manicure set, picture frame, flannel baby blanket, gel teether, comb & brush set, and baby wash.

Another type of example would be an educational mix in a coloured wicker basket. You could use blue, pink or neutral colours for the basket, then for the gifts choose items like board books, soft toys with classical sounds, colouring crayons and a colouring book. Such gifts will be appreciated more later, of course, but they are good to have in hand when the baby is born as babies soon take an interest in pictures.

There are many permutations of gifts once you have made that decision to give a baby gift basket either at a shower, or after the baby has been born. There is also one plus for you: it can be great fun making up a basket gift yourself, or even choosing one online. For a baby shower, a cookie gift basket could offered as an additional basket, to provide part of shower feast.

Simply Unique Baby Gifts

Thursday, October 29, 2009

12 Safety Devices To Protect Your Children

About 2-1/2 million children are injured or killed by hazards in the home each year. The good news is that many of these incidents can be prevented - by using simple child safety devices on the market today. Any safety device you buy should be sturdy enough to prevent injury to your child, yet easy for you to use. It's important to follow installation instructions carefully. In addition, if you have older children in the house, be sure they re-secure safety devices. Remember, too, that no device is completely childproof; determined youngsters have been known to disable them.

Here are some child safety devices that can help prevent many injuries to young children.

SAFETY LATCHES and LOCKS on cabinets and drawers can help prevent children from gaining access to medicines and household cleaners, as well as knives and other sharp objects.

Look for safety latches and locks that adults can easily install and use, but are sturdy enough to withstand pulls and tugs from children. Safety latches are not a guarantee of protection, but they can make it more difficult for children to reach dangerous substances. Even products with child-resistant packaging should he locked away, out of reach; this packaging is not childproof.

SAFETY GATES can help keep children away from stairs or rooms that have hazards in them.

Look for safety gates that children cannot dislodge easily, but that adults can open and close without difficulty. For the top of stairs, gates that screw to the wall are more secure than pressure gates."

New safety gates that meet safety standards display a certification seal from the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). If you have an older safety gate, he sure it doesn't have "V'' shapes that are large enough for a child's head and neck to fit into.

DOOR KNOB COVERS and DOOR LOCKS can help keep children away from places with hazards, including swimming pools.

Be sure the door knob cover is sturdy enough not to break, but allows a door to be opened quickly by an adult in case of emergency. By restricting access to potentially hazardous rooms in the home, door knob covers could help prevent many kinds of injuries. To prevent access to swimming pools, door locks should be placed high out of reach of young children. Locks should be used in addition to fences and door alarms. Sliding glass doors, with locks that must be re-secured after each use, are often not an effective barrier to pools.

ANTI-SCALD DEVICES for regulating water temperature can help prevent burns.

Consider using anti-scald devices for faucets and showerheads. A plumber may need to install these. In addition, if you live in your own home, set water heater temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit to help prevent burns from hot water.

SMOKE DETECTORS are essential safety devices for protection against fire deaths and injuries.
Check smoke detectors once a month to make sure they're working. If detectors are battery-operated, change batteries at least once a year or consider using 10-year batteries.

WINDOW GUARDS and SAFETY NETTING for balconies and decks can help prevent serious falls.

Check these safety devices frequently to make sure they are secure and properly installed and maintained. There should be no more than four inches between the bars of the window guard. If you have window guards, be sure at least one window in each room can be easily used for escape in a fire. Window screens are not effective for preventing children from falling out of windows.

CORNER and EDGE BUMPERS can be used with furniture and fireplace hearths to help prevent injuries from falls or to soften falls against sharp or rough edges.

Be sure to look for bumpers that stay securely on furniture or hearth edges.

OUTLET COVERS and OUTLET PLATES can help protect children from electrical shock and possible electrocution.

Be sure the outlet protectors cannot be easily removed by children and are large enough so that children cannot choke on them.

A CARBON MONOXIDE (C0) DETECTOR can help prevent CO poisoning.

Consumers should install CO detectors near sleeping areas in their homes. Households that should use CO detectors include those with gas or oil heat or with attached garages.

WINDOW BLIND CORD SAFETY TASSELS on miniblinds and tension devices on vertical blinds and drapery cords can help prevent deaths and injuries from strangulation in the loops of cords.

For older miniblinds, cut the card loop, remove the buckle, and put safety tassels on each cord. Be sure that older vertical blinds and drapery cords have tension or tie-down devices to hold the cords tight. When buying new miniblinds, verticals, and draperies, ask for safety features to prevent child strangulation.

DOOR STOPS and DOOR HOLDERS on doors and door hinges can help prevent small fingers and hands from being pinched or crushed in doors and door hinges.

Be sure any safety device for doors is easy to use and is not likely to break into small parts, which could be a choking hazard for young children.

CORDLESS PHONES help you watch your child continuously, without leaving the vicinity to answer a phone call. Cordless phones are especially helpful when children are in or near water, whether it's the bathtub, the swimming pool, or the beach.

Baby First Year.com provides the latest parenting tips and parenting information as we are the one stop solution for parent resource on raising babies and children.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to Know If You Need a Colon Cleanse

Many people doubt that a 30 day Colon Cleansing with the aid of a product such as Dual Action Cleanse actually works. While many people suffer from an unhealthy Colon which is filled with a decay of food materials which eventually leads to clogged fecal matter others using products are left with a completely healthy Colon which is able to rid itself of the build up of the harmful bacteria and toxins. The build up which occurs in the Colon can be effectively removed by using a colon cleanse for a thirty day period. It is not a quick fix solution but when it is used in conjunction with a high fiber low fat diet your Colon can again become healthy. The Colon has an important function in the body's digestive system and if your Colon starts to fail then your entire health will start to fail. The benefits of the 30 day cleanse program will stay with your body for years to come as you have effectively removed all of the toxins and bacteria which have built up since the day you were born.

Dual Action Cleanse is a thirty day program which allows your Colon to regain the health that it needs to provide the nutrients for the rest of your body.

Cleansing your Colon with a cleanse is an effective intestinal cleansing routine which will relieve the symptoms of acute constipation and diarrhea. After the thirty days of use you will find that it has worked so well that your body is again filled with endless bounds of energy. This was the intention of the developers of Dual Action Cleanse; to provide a quality Colon cleanser which would effectively produce a healthy and fit person. Many people are unaware of the ramifications of poor Colon health but those who are using Dual Action Cleanse or a similar product realize the benefits which are produced from a healthy Colon.

It is recommended that Dual Action Cleanse is used for a thirty day period and at least once per year to maintain Colon health. It is scientifically formulated to provide your Colon with the cleansing regime it needs which in turn will ensure inner body health. Most people using it notice rapid results after only a short period of use but even still it is recommended that you use Dual Action Cleanse for the entire thirty day period to maximize the benefits that Dual Action Cleanse can provide to your Colon. It can be purchased from all good health food stores and even on line for those who wish to use the convenience of shopping from home.

It is recommended for use by all people over the age of eighteen but should only be used by children under eighteen on the advice of a health care provider. It is a healthy and safe option to maintain the health that your Colon needs to support the digestive system.

Want to learn everything there is to learn about all natural colon cleanses like dual action cleanse? Visit my blog at this site for more information on this subject.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Online Dating Coach Reveals His Amazing Secrets to Meeting Fascinating Singles on the Internet

At the end of a long day at work, what better way to enjoy the evening than to share it with your heart's companion - your Soulmate. Not only is having a love relationship a healthy way to live, but you'll feel more fulfilled as a person too.

As an Online Dating Coach, I've had the pleasure of working with clients worldwide. People just like you have contacted me from all over the world wanting online dating advice... with the ultimate goal of finding their Soulmate - no matter where he or she may be living. In the global community we all live in today, connecting with and meeting singles online is the most natural thing imaginable.

Today I'll be your Dating Coach while I share some helpful online dating tips. With my online dating advice to guide you, learning how to find your Soulmate through online dating can be fun and easy - so let's get started!

A Dating Coach Offers some Tips for Success

One of your first and most important decisions is your commitment to joining an online dating service. Whether you join a large dating site with millions of members, or a dating service that targets matches within a smaller niche, your online dating success will, to a large extent, be the result of how well your Online Dating Profile is written. With this in mind, here are the first steps to finding your Soulmate.

First, make a commitment to joining one or more paid dating services, each of which has enough members living in your general vicinity so you'll have a variety of prospective Soulmates to choose from.

As your Dating Coach, I'll help you create your Online Dating Profile, since this will become your "Online Dating Brochure" and "calling card."

Then, decide who you would truly like to meet. Your online dating services can help you to some extent, but always keep in mind that you're using computer matching for your introductions. Therefore, to take full advantage of the technology, it would be helpful to first understand how it works! Online Dating services match their clients by performing both a keyword search, as well as a simple match of the preferences you've assigned in your Online Dating Profile. When the online dating services ask you to select your "interests and hobbies" for example, you'll be much better off selecting as many of them as you can while still being truthful. Let's say, for example, that under "interests and hobbies" you have 25 options to choose from. If you select only one of them, then you'll be matched with site members who have made that one selection too. Computer matchmaking works by matching the words or phrases from your dating profile with those of other members within your chosen age range and geographic area, while applying your preferences for height, hair color, drinking and smoking habits, and so on. So one of the secrets to getting more matches is to be more flexible with the options you choose, just like in the example I've given.

Finally, and most important of all, to take full advantage of the online dating services you join, whether you're a man or a woman, take the initiative and send some letters of introduction - and if possible, do this every day. Don't expect the online dating services to do all of the work! My best advice to you as your dating coach is to become pro-active - and be responsible for your success!

My Dating Coach Advice

You really can find your Soulmate on the Internet. So just take a deep breath, make a decision that you WILL succeed, and then get the ball rolling! Today more than 25% of single adults use online dating services, and within the next five years, this number is predicted to double. Will YOU find your Soulmate through Online Dating? To a large extend, the decision is up to you!

Jay Reiss is an Online Dating Coach who has worked with more than two thousand clients worldwide! He'll help you design your Online Dating Profile and show you how to succeed with Online Dating! He offers a free telephone coaching session (a $100.00 value - free!) and has Free Online Dating Advice on his website http://www.online-dating-coach.com

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

Online Dating Tutorial

Internet dating is an amazing phenomenon. Nowadays, Internet dating sites in the U.S. are getting over 60 million visitors a month. There are now many hundreds of dating sites on the Web. Why such tremendous growth in this business? Simply because it's an easy, efficient way to meet members of the opposite sex. Anyway, it certainly has to beat the old-style singles services, bar scenes, etc.

However, before you get too involved in Internet dating - a world of its own - take ten minutes to read over this article. I have a some important suggestions for you that may save you a lot of frustration. I also have a few important warnings to keep you out of trouble.

There are now two main types of online dating sites, the so-called megasites, like AmericanSingles.com, Match.com, and eHarmony.com, and then there are the specialized sites.

These megasites cater to everybody, old and young, nationwide, and have hundreds of thousands of members. The specialized sites, on the other hand, focus on narrower niche markets - like Jewish singles, Christian singles, black singles, thirty-plus singles, senior singles, etc. It's really just a matter of preference whether to join the huge megasites or a small niche site, or both. One thing they all have in common is that they will charge you a membership fee - soon after your "free" sign-up.

You probably know how these sites all work. To get started, you complete a profile (some call it an "essay" but please don't write an essay) about yourself and your interests, etc., and then you upload your absurdly-flattering photo of yourself. Then you wait for some fish to bite the hook, or else you can play the role of the fish yourself and send emails to members you pick who you think look and sound interesting.

The sites almost invariably let you "search" for members who meet your specifications regarding age, education, location, religion, and other factors.

Women rule in online dating. Reportedly, women who send out emails to men get upwards of 96% responses. Men who email women get only about 20% responses. However, it's important to realize that cyberspace can be much more dangerous territory for women than for men. First, men tend to lie more than women, particularly about their marital status. A man may completely misrepresent himself on a dating site, even to the point of uploading a picture of somebody else. Women rarely do that sort of thing. (Women do, however, tend to post pictures of their younger thinner selves, which is much more forgivable.) A man may oftentimes describe himself simply in terms he thinks women want to hear - lying about his education, profession, age, the works, even about the fact he has three kids who are teenagers.

Why do men do this when the truth will sooner or later be found out? The answer is, many men who use dating sites are not necessarily looking for long-term relationships.

But the worst danger to a woman is to get involved with a man who's violent or unbalanced, and yes, there are some of those out there, too. Thus, ladies, it's extremely important to avoid giving men you correspond with through dating sites any information which will enable them to identify you until you are sure who you're dealing with. Though you may not be aware of it, you can now be identified via the Internet very quickly by someone who knows very little about you - maybe as little as your first and last names. And you can certainly be identified by your telephone number.

Conversely, it is very important that you insist that the man does identify himself. He should not resist giving you his full name and address. If he does resist, something is probably wrong - like he's already married. Once you have his name and address you can run a quick online background check on him for only about $50, using a service like Intelius. This will include a criminal records search and also give you some idea of his economic status because it will tell you if he owns a house and if so what its value is.

Unfortunately, it probably won't tell you if he's married or divorced, or if it does, its coverage will be limited to only be a few states, like Florida and Texas, that make this type of information easily available through databases.

However, if you haven't done so already, you can download our free ebook, Marriage & Divorce Records, USA (MarriageDivorceUSA.com). This ebook provides URL's and government phone numbers for nearly all counties and states in the USA. Using it, you can check his marital status out reasonably thoroughly (though never with 100% certainty, since someone can get married or divorced anywhere).

Assuming you meet someone online you find interesting, you'll probably agree to a date. Always make it in a public place where there are other people around. A cocktail lounge is good, or a restaurant. (Not a bagel shop early in the morning, please. I often sit next to online daters at 8:30 A.M. in the bagel shop I go to, and I hate it. Pick somewhere there's reasonable privacy.)

I used to wonder why so few dating sites offer their members background checks. So I called up a couple and asked. They both said the same thing, because they're afraid it would "alarm" their members. They're afraid of giving the impression that there's something to fear from online dating. Of course, from a woman's standpoint especially, there really is something to fear. What if the person you're agreeing to meet and possibly enter into a relationship with is a convicted felon? So, again, I recommend you seriously consider doing an online background check before the first date. (Our first report in our Web Search Guides series covers the topic of online background checks in detail.)

Online Dating: A Few Tips

- Men need to be very cautious in emailing women on dating sites. Why? The reason is that they may inadvertently enter into a conversation with a minor, even to the point of arranging a date, and this can result in very serious consequences you don't even want to think about.

- From a woman's standpoint, the big question is, Is he telling me the truth? Especially regarding his marital status. Here are a few indications he's married: he fails to provide a photo (so his wife or one of her friends won't spot it online); he won't provide a home address or phone number, or only his cell number; he is never available on weekends or Saturday night, only during the business day. But although a man you're exchanging emails with should not hesitate to provide some personal information to you, you should never give out your full name, address or phone number until you're certain he's on the level.

- For more tips on safe online dating, visit saferdating.com

- Most online dating sites allow you to block emails from people you find obnoxious. Visit haltabuse.org for help in dealing with someone who harrasses you. If you've got a really serious situation, try cyberlawenforcement.org.

- You should recognize that it's easy to lift somebody's photo from a dating site. So the photo you submit could conceivably turn up anywhere. It's unlikely anyone will lift it; even so, it's not impossible.

- Almost 85% of women embellish their online photos, so, men, don't be too shocked if she doesn't look like you expect. Be decent.

- Seven out of ten online dating participants are men. Unfortunately, a large proportion of these are married and are just looking for affairs or maybe cybersex. On the other hand a significant proportion of the women online are not looking for relationships, either. They're running online scams, trying to extract money from lonely men. For both men and women an excellent rule for online dating is: Never send money to anybody unless you're buying something.

- Did you know that, on most of the major online dating sites, you can easily check out someone's search activity by viewing their profile? You can also check to see exactly who has looked at your profile.

Most experts agree on the following guidelines when doing Internet dating: (1) Beware of people who start telling you their problems right away; (2) Watch out for minors who are posing as adults; (3) Never give out information about your personal finances - like how much money you make, whether you own a home, etc.; (4) Don't give your home address/phone number out right away and don't have the other person meet you for a first date at your home; (5) Don't send anyone money: (6) Don't take rejections personally - just move on. And if you need to reject someone yourself, do it tactfully ("I've decided to get back with my boyfriend," etc.); (7) Try to find out all you can about someone before agreeing to a first date; the Internet can help.

Joseph Ryan is Director of Washington Research Associates, Inc., Washington DC. The firm's website, Web Search Guides (http://websearchguides.com) provides helpful 10-minute tutorials on topics of current interest, such as asset-searching, home refinancing, people searching, identity theft, and many others.

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Download Online Videos

Convert And Download YouTube Videos without all of the hassle.
In fact, there are lots of available ways for us to download videos, such as some apps programs, Video Downloader(Firefox Add-on) and so on. At the same time, you will find that many of these tools will download videos in file extension .flv, and you'll need to convert the video unless you have a .flv player. Some tools do this for you, or you can use a separate conversion tool. Thus, it is necessary for us to look for an easy and simple to download and convert videos. Today, I will introduce you Voydo.com, a unique and convenient video downloader.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Choosing a Name For Your Baby

Apart from life itself, a name is perhaps the most precious thing you will give to your baby. Sociologists, baby experts and teachers agree that your child's name impacts on his or her personality, baby's ability to interact with his or her peers, and how he or she is seen by total strangers. Here are a few things you should take into account when choosing your baby's name.

Uniqueness: The current fashion is to give baby an unusual name or a traditional name with different spelling so that she stands out from the crowd. A friend has a daughter called Emily. At school there are 2 other Emilys in the class, so she is known as Emily T. It was a year before the little girl understood that her name was Emily and not Emily T! So it is easy to understand the temptation to go for a name that's different.

However, there can be problems too: the name will be misspelled and mispronounced. "My name is Elvira, but children and teachers would make it Elmira, Olivia, Alvera ...I soon learned to come to whatever sounded like my name", said Elvira Bates. "Only my mother and husband get it right!".

Sound and Compatibility: Someone suggested that, before you finally decide on a name, you go into the garden and shout the name five times to see how it sounds! A bit drastic maybe, but it is important to ensure the name sounds right.

General advice is to avoid a name that ends in a vowel if the last name starts with a vowel - the names tend to run together. Also, if the surname is long, choose a short first name, or vice versa.

And please avoid the puns. I once worked with a girl called Hazel Nutt! Fortunately she had a strong personality and coped with the laughter and jokes, but many in her position could have developed a complex about the name.

Once, when I was in hospital, there was a nurse with the name Rosie Bottom! (If you are reading this in the USA, Canada, or anywhere but in the UK, you may be wondering why that should be amusing - well, it translates as 'Rosie Butt'!) Of course the patients found the name amusing and I suppose anything that cheers up the patients has to be beneficial, but what were her parents thinking of when they named her?

Initials: Obvious really, except some people miss this one. Spell out the initials of the first, middle and last names to see if that makes a word.

Finally, consider whether the name suits a grown-up as well as a child.

Tony Luck runs a web site about babies. You will find more articles about baby names on his site.

Get free Nurse Jokes by americas favorite Nurse Comedian Karyn Buxman

I Was Attacked by a Grandmother

It's often difficult to make younger mothers understand why their babies have to be poked and prodded when they're being seen by nurses and doctors. Lab work, x-rays, injections and other invasive and uncomfortable procedures are a necessary part of arriving at a valid diagnosis of the problem.

Many times the grandmother of the child comes to the ER with them. An extended family can be a valuable means of moral support for young inexperienced mothers. On the other hand, not allowing the actual mother the opportunity to be "the mother" can be a negative. In my opinion, this behavior sometimes is the catalyst of the "grandmother raising grandchild" cycle.

So, a few weeks ago while attempting to start an I.V. on a 14-month old, I wasn't surprised when the grandmother asked her daughter, who was crying hysterically, to leave the room.

Performing I.V. insertions on infants/children usually is a team effort - the technician, the muscle and the nurturer.

The Technician - the nurse performing the actual procedure. Nerves of steel and steady hands are crucial attributes this person must possess. Distractions from noise, crying, or hovering family members are no problem for this team member. Her priority is establishing a means to get medication to this very vulnerable patient quickly and efficiently.

The Muscle - usually another nurse. The brawn of the team. She keeps the child as still as possible. Her grip and take down maneuvers must be precise. Her presence helps prevent accidental or purposeful dislodging of the I.V.

The Nurturer - this can be family or staff. A sweet voice in the child's ear providing words of comfort to soothe the child; distraction through coaxing and praise often work well.

In spite of this team approach, it's usually always a stressful situation.

Unfortunately the first nurse wasn't able to get the I.V. started. Now the roles must change. She became the muscle and I transitioned into the role of the technician.

With skill, determination and an answered prayer, I started the I.V. NOW comes the part that can be more difficult than the needle stick - SECURING IT!

And it was during this critical period that the grandmother went bonkers!

She came flying across the room toward me crying and screaming "STOP IT! STOP IT! LEAVE MY GRANDBABY ALONE!" I'm thinking I must be dreaming. This old woman in this house coat and slippers with these curlers in her hair can't be serious. But she was.

Once I realized I wasn't dreaming the UNTHINKABLE happened. SHE SLAPPED ME ACROSS MY SHOULDER...not once but twice. Mind you, I'm trying to secure this screaming, fighting infant's I.V. and this IDIOT is hitting me.

At this point, the only thing I'm seeing is RED, BLOOD RED. Before she could land another blow, I shared the following with her without ever looking her way "Don't hit me again. We are here to help your grandchild. Calm down NOW"!

I really wasn't that upset with the little old lady. I sat and talked with her after the episode and stressed to her the importance of being a "good" support system for her young daughter and grandchild. She apologized and seemed ashamed of her behavior.

Needless to say I was the butt of many many jokes for the remainder of the shift.

Roschelle Nelson is a Registered Nurse by profession and mother, freelance writer, mentor, friend and genuine lover of life by choice. Roschelle has achieved success with several business ventures. She enjoys writing, meeting new people and considers life a precious gift.

Get free Nurse Jokes by americas favorite Nurse Comedian Karyn Buxman

Building Your Confidence in Dating Women

When it comes to dating (or even seducing) a woman, confidence is vital. Women often equate “self confidence” with the ability to be successful. While many men believe that women look for successful men because they’re likely to make more money, that’s simply not true.

While it’s a given, women actually look for successful men because they’re more likely to be satisfied. So you may be wondering what a man being satisfied has to do with anything. Let me explain. You see, women know that men who are satisfied with themselves are less likely to go out looking for someone to satisfy them and are more stable.

And in a relationship that means a man will be less likely to cheat, or change jobs frequently or get himself into any number of other compromising situations. Remember that most women are looking for a man who will be their partner as well as their lover.

Not only do they want a partner when it comes to things like companionship, decision-making and finances, but in the bedroom, as well. In order to effectively seduce a woman you must make her feel as though you’re both equals.

When it comes to confidence, it seems there are two kinds of people - those who have it and others who simply don’t. Although on the surface this may be true, everyone has the potential to be “self confident”, or motivated if you would like to call it.

Take heart in knowing that you’re a good person, smart, funny, good at your job, loving, considerate or whatever else you find to be positive character traits that you have. Be comforted to know that NOT all women are looking for a CEO or brain surgeon. They just want a man who’s confident with who he is, what he knows and what he has to offer to a relationship with them!

Let us show you the steps to marriage separation reconciliation.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Places to Meet Women to Date

Meeting women that you would actually want to date and, maybe eventually, bring home to meet mom and dad, isn’t as hard as it sounds. There is, of course, the singles scene out in the bars and clubs all over town but I don’t recommend that one. It’s not that just bad girls go to bars; it’s that it is hard to tell the good ones from the bad one.

You meet women at work, too, but, there again, I don’t recommend dating them. The problem with that is that, if things don’t work out, you will still have to work together and the situation could be awkward to say the least.

Your friends know women that you haven’t met - sisters, cousins, etc. Ask them to introduce you to them. But, big brother, do avoid blind dates. Those things hardly ever work out and you can spend a lot of money for a very uncomfortable evening.

The best places to meet women that you might actually want to date are at clubs and organizations that you belong to. You will already have something in common with them and will have had the opportunity to see them interact with other people and that tells you a lot about a person. If you aren’t already involved with any clubs or organizations the, for heaven sakes, join some. Find ones that are all about something you are interested in. There are clubs and organizations that cover just about anything you can think of from astronomy to zoology and single women are involved in all of them.

Church is an excellent place to meet women. If there aren’t any single women in the church you go to now, visit other churches until you find one where there are single women. The church itself will provide you with an opportunity to get to know the woman before you ask her for a date. You will be a lot more comfortable and so will she.

Get involved in civic organizations. Women love men who are civic minded. They admire men who are willing to “give back”. And what about political campaigns? You will meet a lot of young women who are passionate about politics.

If all else fails, join a good online dating service. You will meet a lot of eligible women. You can read their profiles and see pictures of them. After you get to know one well enough to ask her for a face-to-face meeting, be sure that you plan the meeting during daylight hours and in a public place.

Let us show you the steps to marriage separation reconciliation.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hiring a Quality Home Movers

Moving from one dwelling place to another is a normal scene in Singapore. A number of occupants are not home owners. They are just tenants. The reason is that owning a house is not easy especially for non Singaporean citizens who obviously make up the lion's share of Singapore's manpower. Thus housing service is mostly on a yearly contract basis.

Given this real scenario and considering the volatile behavior of the real estate market, the demand for home movers is high in Singapore. While there are many service providers, it pays to do your job in screening out the most dependable home movers particularly if you are short of cash. And the necessity to make a good choice is paramount if you would like proper care on the manner your stuff are transported.

The rate of home movers in Singapore can be quite expensive. It may turn out to be much more costly later if you happen to hire unskilled home movers who can only mess up with your priceless stuffs. Other companies engaged in this service because it is good money and those duly registered and professionaly trained to give moving service. You definitely opt to engage home movers who can offer the best rate and the best service possible.

If there is one good venue to locate these movers in Singapore, it is through the internet. Check on ebay Singapore. Search using the keyword "Singapore home movers" and you can most likely generate a good search list. What makes ebay a good source of info is that you can refer to testimonials of previous clients. Yes, while these feedbacks are not 100% reliable you can have at the minimum an idea on the kind of service.

Also, online forums which are Singapore based in nature can give you some guide on home movers. Just concentrate on heavy traffic blogs and forums. Of course, not missing out the classifieds. Home movers tend to post ads on online classifieds because ad posting here for free, if not at a very minimal rate.

With your filtered list, you expect to tap the most reliable home movers in town which will give lesser hassle house moving service for you.

Visit us for more information on Singapore Home Movers

Saturday, September 12, 2009

10 Tips for Avoiding ID Theft and Credit Fraud

Article excerpted from the new book, “How to Do Space Age Work with a Stone Age Brain” TM copyright 2004, all rights reserved, by Eve Abbott, the Organizer Extraordinaire

Each year billions of dollars in credit fraud is perpetrated on unsuspecting citizens. With so much personal information publicly available (or easily available to someone with medium computing skills) it is essential to develop good habits to prevent your information from falling into criminal hands. It is possible for someone to create an entire identity (get driver's license, etc.) based on just a few pieces of information.

I know of an employee who sustained an on-the-job injury then applied for disability. He was shocked when they turned him down. According to Workmen's Compensation records he had been collecting disability for the last year and a half. Someone had gotten their hands on enough information to drain his account!

It can take years and thousands of dollars to correct an identity theft, credit fraud or a simple key entry error by a clerk at a Credit Bureau. It takes minutes for you to do these simple tips:

Destroy all pre-approved credit offers you get in the mail before you discard them. Otherwise, someone can fill out a new address and get credit in your name. Use a paper-shredder for all documents with your financial or legal information included. Sign all your credit cards with 'Please ask for photo ID' instead of your signature.

Never give out your SSN or credit card information on the phone unless you initiate the call and you know to whom you are talking. Never carry your social security number in your wallet.

You don't have to give your SSN to businesses that request it, although they do have the right to refuse service. Only government agency, and employment or tax related inquiries must be answered.

Reduce the number of pre-approved offers you get by requesting these credit bureaus remove your name from their lists: TRW (800) 353-0809, Equifax (800) 219-1251 and TransUnion (800) 241-2858.

Once a year carefully check out your free credit report from Experian (800) 682-7654 and free Social Security file (800) 772-1213. If you are denied credit based on your report, the issuing credit bureau must provide you with a free copy upon request - even if they usually charge for it.

Do not give out confidential information on e-mail or do financial transactions on the Internet unless it's secure and encoded. (Look for the SSL reference)

Check guarantee and check verification agencies must provide the same protection as credit bureaus, such as access to your report and correction of errors. If your check is refused, get the agency name.

For assistance in re-establishing good credit and correcting errors, the non-profit Consumer Credit Counseling Service may be able to help you. To find the office nearest you call
(800) 388-2227.
You can check out more free time-saving tips at http://www.organize.com

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Winning Day Trading Strategies

The forex market is like a war zone, and unless you have the best day trading strategies in use you could go down and quickly. Fortunately in this day and age, we have access to one of the most powerful tools to enable you to trade more efficiently and accurately.

Thanks to the advent of the internet and the recent boon in technology, it's never been easier to jump into the forex market without any previous knowledge of it. Not that I or anyone would recommend that you go in completely unlearned of how to trade, but with the best of the day trading strategies in place, forex software, the learning curve is significantly reduced. This is because you can generate and trade by trends in the market as well as be able to auto trade when you are not around in person to give yourself full access trading around the clock.

As the forex market keeps much longer hours than the traditional stock market, it demands that you the trader be able to not only keep a constant pulse over what is happening, but to also be able to react and act on your trades as quickly as possible. Forex software does just that, you simply give it some guidance data in terms of what you want to accomplish, maybe set some limits, and it's off and running. The software only uses as much independence as you give it and is designed to simply ensure that you land on the winning sides of your trades near all the time and give you the peace of mind at knowing that your campaign is in good and capable hands around the clock, with whatever you're doing.

Another of the day trading strategies entails having the information of where the market will go ahead of time and trading accordingly. This is another function of some forex software. Trend indicators use complex mathematical algorithms to predict trends both positive and negative, enabling you to jump in the market at peak times and safely out before you lose anything. The best part about these trend indicators is that they are easily the most trusted and reliable way to trade ahead of the curve as these algorithms are tested and tweaked by their publishers for months and years in advance before they are ever released to ensure that they are as precise as possible for you.

Begin your path to financial independence through safe, reliable, and guaranteed income. To learn more and for in depth and updated reviews on the leading software available today, visit http://www.forexautotradingreviewed.com today.

Emini Trading Strategies

30 Minute Emini Day Trading System

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sleeping With Your Baby - The Benefits

There are a lot of debates on whether we should let our babies sleep with us. I have tried different sleeping arrangements for each of our children, from sleeping in the crib in our room, to letting her sleep in her own room; to sleeping with me in our bed. We found out (through the hard way) that it is very important that a baby should not sleep by himself, until at least about 2 years of age. Below are some of the reasons.
  1. For mothers who breastfeed, it is less tiring and taxing to breastfeed if she sleeps with her baby. She can breastfeed even if she is half asleep. She doesn't have to spend half the night walking to and fro her child's room. I think this is a real benefit, because as mothers, we need to grab as much opportunities to sleep as possible, since the baby wakes up a few times a night.
  2. Some parents find that they can't sleep with their babies in their bed, because they are afraid of sids (sudden infant death syndrome) due to cosleeping. I bought a small little cosleeper bed that can be secured on our queen size bed to prevent this from happening. This bed is designed specifically for this purpose, and is quite convenient, especially if we need to travel.
  3. If the parent is still not comfortable with the baby in the bed, because they feel that they have less space to sleep, they should at least put the baby in cot bed or baby crib in their room. In this way, they can sleep comfortably while still have the baby with them.
  4. An infant will know if he is alone even when he is sleeping. He can sense it. He may feel that he is abandoned, and unloved. This will cause him to feel insecure and he might develop bad habits like thumb-sucking, etc. You can read my blog where I described my traumatic experiences of trying to remove my 2nd child's thumb sucking problem, who slept alone since she was born. We decided to sleep with her when she was 10 months old after realizing that her sleeping alone could have been the root cause of her thumb sucking problem. We also surveyed around and found out that most children that sucked their thumbs slept alone when they were infants. Also, studies have shown that Asian children (in the past) tend to have less thumb sucking problem, because, in the past, most Asian children sleep with their parents until preschool age or more.
  5. Another benefit of having the baby in the same room as the parents is so that the parents can know what is happening to their baby at every instant, throughout the night. There were two occasions where my 2nd child slept in her vomit until morning, and I didn't even realize it, even though I came to her room and breastfed her twice during the night. I feel so sorry for her.

Through my own painful experience, I will always advice parents to have their baby sleep in their room. My 3rd baby slept with me in our bed, and she is a very secure and happy child. However, my 2nd child who slept alone is still slightly insecure, even though I have tried very hard to give her more attention and express my love to her. Sometimes, these decisions that we make when they were young will affect their entire life. So, a little inconvenience on our part to have them sleep with us when they are infants can make a lot of difference in the future.

Ruth Bonnemare is a very experienced mother who enjoys counselling and training young families. A renowned cook in her hometown, she loves to research into healthy living and healing foods from around the world. She has also consulted on breast feeding and supports young mothers on breast feeding while working. She maintains a website at http://www.allteachingparentingskills.com/

travel cot - baby travel crib

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Buying a Drum Kit for the Aspiring Drummer in Your Family

When it comes to the beginning drummer, there are a few things to keep in mind when selecting a drum kit. Yes, drums are noisy and can take up a lot of space in a room. But they are also a rewarding instrument to learn how to play.

There are so many choices when considering which drum kit to purchase for the aspiring drummer in your family. This includes cost, versatility, quality, and whether or not you want an electric kit or acoustic kit.

Here is some advice that will help you purchase a drum kit for the aspiring drummer in your family.

Price Considerations

On the one hand, you can purchase a drum kit solely because of its cost. There are some pretty decent and really inexpensive drum kits out there that will definitely serve the purposes of a beginning drummer. The low cost is nice because if they do not stick it out, you did not lose as much money as you would have if you purchased a more expensive drum it.

Quality Considerations

On the other hand, if you purchase an inexpensive drum kit and they become serious about the instrument, then they will need a new drum kit. For an intermediate or advanced player, the beginners kits just wont cut it.

For one thing, quality kits sound better, they are more durable, and many come with a lot more accessories that are tailored to the genre of music you play. For example, if you are primarily a drummer for Latin music then your kit will look a lot different than a rock drummer.

This is a great thing to consider if your aspiring drummer has already taken a few lessons, is a drummer in the school band, or you can sense they will stick with it. If none of these are true, consider purchasing a less expensive kit.

Meeting Half Way

Of course, there are plenty of drum kits out there that serve a good compromise between the two. If you want something that is not too expensive and still sounds good, there is plenty of middle of the road drum kits that will serve the purpose. This is a good idea because it wont dent the pocket too badly if they do not stick with it and it will last a lot longer than an inexpensive kit because they are not just for beginners. Overall, when purchasing the drum kit for the aspiring drummer, there a lot of factors to consider and if you do not make the right choice, you can always return it.

Guitar Warehouse is the source for guitars, bass and drum kits. http://www.guitarwarehouse.com

beat making - drum samples

Best Gifts for Baby Boys

So, you’re scouting for a suitable gift for a cuddly baby boy and you don’t know where or how to start especially if you can just spare a limited time of your busy world. There’s no need to panic because shopping for a baby boy gift is easy as long as you know what to look for. Below are a few gift ideas to make your shopping a trouble-free one:

1. Educational Baby Toys: If your objective is to keep the baby entertained while he learns; then, these toys are a great option. There’s a wide variety of educational toys available. There are learning activity and puzzle toys available for you to choose from that helps stimulate the child’s mental ability and growth development. Surely, the parents and the child will have a wonderful time bonding with each other through these toys.

2. Baby Booties: With the emerging fashion trend in shoes today, baby booties are of no exception. Baby booties are designed to keep the baby toes warm no matter what the temperature is. Look for designs that match with the personality of the baby or his aura.

3. Baby Hats: Baby hats that have attractive designs are hard to resist especially those that resemble like that of a baby animal. With ear flaps, eyes, and nose attached on the hat, it sure is very appealing to the child’s tastes.

4. Baby Hooded Towels: Cute hooded towels are fitting for an after bath or dip in the pool time. Made with quick-drying fabrics, these towels are safe for the baby’s sensitive skin and are very cuddly to use. The baby will surely enjoy these.

5. Baby Animal Slippers: These funky animal slippers are must-haves for cute baby boys. They are perfect in keeping the baby’s feet warm inside the house. You’ll be sure the baby will have fun wearing these adorable slippers.

6. Bodysuit: A baby bodysuit is the basis for nearly every baby outfit. It offers an easy way to give your baby an extra layer of warmth during cold weathers. There are wide selections of bodysuits available in the market today. Basic, solid colors are perfect for the baby boy.

7. Mini-Playground: If you’re that extravagant, you can purchase a mini-playground or a mini-gym. Although they can be pricey, baby boys will surely love this one. As we all know, boys are very active and they love to run and play around. Mini-playgrounds and mini-gyms provide a lot of activities for small boys. These minis are complete with stairs, slide and sometimes, a steering wheel. They also have small doors that the baby could open and close as frequent as he wants for his enjoyment.

8. Ride-on Toys: Ride-on toys are very popular for baby boys even at a very young age. Baby boys love being behind the wheel while parents love the durability. Riding toys include wagons, rocking toys, pedal toys and a lot more variety. Baby boys and their parents will certainly enjoy playing with these wonderful toys.

For the best baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets for boy, girls, unisex and twins.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Free Website Hosting vs. Paid Website Hosting Basics

Web site hosting service companies on the Internet permit the user to make their web site accessible through the World Wide Web. There are huge numbers of companies that offer web space on their server for their customers and also offer Internet connectivity in general in a data center. There can be various types of web site hosting companies. The main classification is the free web site hosting and the paid web site hosting service companies.In case of free web site hosting, the user has the right to upload his or her web site content on the server space that is provided by the web site hosting company without any cost. This type of web site hosting service is great for people who are new to to internet and plan to get familiar with web site creation and functionality of web servers. On the other hand, to get your web site uploaded on a web space that is provided by a paid web site hosting company, you need to pay the company periodic fees. The fee amount may vary from company to company. The paid web site hosting companies are best suited for professional web site owners. People who need large web space to upload their web sites and who expect a certain amount of web site visitors which is restricted on free hosting accounts to a minimum.The revenue that the paid web hosting service companies get is through the fee that is paid to the company by the web site owners. In case of free web site hosting companies, the main source of income are the ads and banners that can be placed on their clients web pages.The main advantage of using a free web site hosting service is that they are free of cost and hence make a perfect choice for people who are new into the business and are just looking to start out. They are perfect for people who just want to display a minimum content on the World Wide Web in small amount of web space. The other advantage of using the free web site hosting service is that most of these companies provide integrated, easy tools to upload the pages on to the hosting account. They do this realizing the fact that the free web site hosting services are generally utilized by the newbies.There are also certain disadvantages of using the free web site hosting services. When using the free web site hosting service, you are forced to place the ads and banners by the web site hosting company on your web pages. Also the revenue that is obtained by the ads goes to the web site company. In case of paid web site hosting service, ads and banners placed on your web site are according to your will and the revenue of the banners and ads placed on your web site goes in your pocket. Also in some case of free web site hosting, the domain name of your web site starts with the web site hosting company name followed by your web site name. This is not the case of paid web site hosting service. You get a unique web site domain. The web space provided by free web site hosting service is limited whereas in case of paid web site hosting service you can buy the web space according to your requirements.

Roger McLean is marketing executive of MojoScripts.com, a Tela IT Inc property. For more great resources about web development, web marketing and web hosting visit http://www.mojoscripts.com Copyright 2007 by Tela IT Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce the article in electronic newsletters or on websites provided that the complete article text is included, unchanged, and that neither the copyright declaration nor this license are removed.

website hosting


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Business Letters - Do You Really Know What They Are?

My two "writing help" websites receive well over two million visitors per year looking for information and templates to help them with their writing. With that many visitors I get a pretty accurate idea of exactly what people are looking for in the way of letter writing help. In fact, a significant number of people arrive at my site based on the search phrase "business letter".

Now, at first glance the term "business letter" makes sense. But, just wait a minute here! What exactly do they mean by "business letter"? Well, it turns out that they're not sure. What it boils down to in many cases is that the person doing the search is involved in some kind of "business" (as owner or employee) and they need to write some kind of "letter" related to their business. Hence, their search phrase of "business letter".

I often get e-mails from people asking me if I have any business letter templates, or if I can write them a business letter. Invariably, I have to reply to them asking "what type of business letter, what is the specific purpose"? The fact is; "business letter" is a very general term that can mean one of many different specific letter types.

Accordingly, the rest of this article is going to explain exactly what business letters really are.

Despite the widespread use of e-mail in commerce today, traditional business letters are still the main way that the majority of businesses officially communicate with their customers and other businesses.

This is especially true when businesses want to formalize an agreement or an understanding. So far, emails are great for all of the preparatory work, but a formal business letter is still most often needed to "seal the deal".

There are two overall categories of business letters: business-to-business, and business-to-customer.


Most business-to-business letters are written to confirm things that have already been discussed among officials in meetings, on the telephone, or via e-mail.

Can you imagine the letters that would have to go back and forth to cover all of the questions and possibilities that can be covered in a one-hour meeting, a half-hour phone call, or a few quick e-mails?

The main purpose of a typical business letter is to formalize the details that were arrived at in those discussions, and to provide any additional information that was agreed upon.

Over the years, certain general standards have evolved in the business world that the vast majority of businesses use in drafting their business to business correspondence. The Top 10 business-to-business letters that people search for at my writing help websites, in order of popularity, are as follows:

1. thank you letter

2. introduction letter

3. cover letter

4. financial letter

5. marketing letter

6. sales letter

7. project letter

8. invitation letter

9. employee letter

10. congratulations letter

Even though the above terms are much more specific than the general term "business letter" there are multiple types of each of the above letters, depending on the purpose of the letter. For example, a business-to-business "financial letter" could be: collection letter, credit approval letter, credit refusal letter, invoice, price quotation, etc.


There are many different types of business-to-customer letters. They include: sales and marketing letters, information letters, order acknowledgement letters, order status letters, collection letters, among others.

As with business-to-business letters, over the years certain general standards have evolved in the business world that the vast majority of businesses use in drafting letters to existing and potential customers.

Of course, going in the other direction are customer-to-business letters. These include: order letters, order status inquiry letters, complaint letters, and others.

Since these are customer-generated letters, there is no particular expectation that they follow any particular letter-writing standard. Typically, they are handled just like any other piece of personal correspondence.

The Top 10 business-to-customer letters that people search for at my writing help Web sites, in order of popularity, are as follows:

1. cover letter

2. customer relations letter

3. financial letter

4. credit letter

5. introduction letter

6. order-status letter

7. sales letter

8. marketing letter

9. announcement letter

10. apology letter

Similar to the situation with business-to-business letters covered in the previous section; even though the above business-to-customer letter types are much more specific than the general term "business letter", there are also multiple types of each of the above letters, depending on the purpose of the letter. For example, a business-to-customer "customer relations letter" could be any one of : response to a complaint, follow-up with a new customer, interrupted service notice, letter of acknowledgement, special invitation, welcome to new customers, etc.


As you can see from the above, specifying that you are looking for a "business letter" is not very helpful. You need to be specific and define the purpose of the letter; that is, exactly what is the letter meant to communicate?

It's important not to confuse non-business letters with business letters. For example: job application letters, cv and resume cover letters, employment and college related letters of recommendation, character references, resignation letters, etc. are NOT business letters.

You might be surprised to learn that over 75% of all visitors to my main writing help website are searching for information on how to write just the Top 20 letters listed above. In fact, it turns out that a full 90% of the more than 1.5 million people that visit that site each year looking for letter writing help are looking for help with one of a list of 25 letters.

That's why all of my letter writing toolkits focus on multiple variations of about 40 specific letter types that cover over 95% of ALL letters ever written.

To see fully-formatted "real-life template" of a number of typical business letters, you can check out the following link: http://www.writinghelp-central.com/sample-letters-business.html

Copyright © Shaun R. Fawcett. All rights reserved.

Shaun Fawcett is Webmaster of two of the most visited writing-help websites on the Net and the author of numerous how-to books about practical everyday writing. He is one of the foremost authorities in the world on the writing of business and personal letters. His definitive guide and templates on the writing of ALL types of business letters can be found at: http://instantbusinessletterkit.com

Sample Business Letter.
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